Forever miss (jk)
It's that the lots literally don't have space because people aren't buying 50k cars they are selling.
Because the museum curators don't want to. Then the "morality" of stealing from someone who has the object but didn't take it them self comes up.
There isn't a reason other than ego.
They use a different version of it though, while based on the original they don't only use it. You can't claim only part of a intellectual work. That's why Winnie the pooh in blood and honey is allowed, because its different from the Disney verison
Have you ever met the Scottish? They are the type of people to extinguish a terrorism that set himself alight.
I mean I think they aren't working because they are continuing to attack zaporizhzhia nuclear plant.
Well I guess they haven't used nuclear attacks yet ( yes I am using that wording because I doubt their nukes work)
This is the intro to every single scam weight loss ad on YouTube
And it's always some woman that lives in the same town her whole life. The man either just moved back or is new to the small town
Blue tooth. My music doesn't have radio stations
- Don't be a os elitist
Nice guy, he should make alternative history videos