This is pretty cool, I have been using this chats with Claude and ChatGPT on DDGO since several weeks ago. I guess the new aspect is they incorporated more models like Mistral.
is that free?
oh ok, didn't know. still, all I wanted to say is it's a cool feature. and Proton has up to 10, firefox up to 5 I think.
What I like about Proton Pass is the aliases for your email, they are one of the neatest features I have seen in the last time, even firefox now has that feature
pues te recomiendo esta versión entonces. La carne de soya es de la que viene bien granuladita. Hice un sofrito primero y al final le eché la carne remojada, estrujada y lavada. Para darle más sabor me gusta echarle salsa de soya, un poquito de vinagre, y un poco de vino si es que hay por ahí un concho, y eso para mi le da tremendo toque.
ñami... algún día los probaré... de una forma similar he comido lentejas y porotos negros y son wenoss
me estay... anoche al final lo busqué pero no decía nada de muerte :/ sí recordaba que Robin Williams había muerto pero no tenía en mis recuerdos que había sido suicidio.
quién se mató?
me gustan harto las legumbres en general, pero diría que mis top 3 serían las arvejas partidas, los porotos granados y los porotos rojos que vienen en cajita, hechos ensalada quedan geniales. Fuera de mi top, las demás legumbres igual me encantan ajsaja
Wow, this looks cool and useful, but since it's the first time I know about Quiblr I have to ask, what is it? I feel like it's a frontend to any lemmy instance? This fediverse world is cool but the many layers of this onion confuse me a little. I like the look and feel of the site! I think this feature of "For You" would be useful to other federated projects. In "reddit-like" projects I don't see much use because my feed on that app was from things I followed, but in things like peertube or youtube alternatives, a "recommended" page is a thing that I miss! It could be awesome if this feature could be implemented in other federated projects.
Buenas, alguien usa Invidious o alguna alternativa a youtube? he usado NewPipe y pude sincronizar los canales que seguía, pero no se puede dar "me gusta" y a veces siento esa "necesidad" ajsaj
it's an email generated by a service like Firefox Relay, Proton Pass or Simple Login, etc, connected to your email (only on the receiving part) used as a way to hide and protect your actual email from spam when registering to anything. That way, this alias email redirects incoming mail to your real email, and when you receive spam, or something you don't want in your Inbox, you just deactivate that alias.