Ok, thanks for the update. I'm neither a car guy nor a native speaker.

Older (pre 2000) diesel cars needed a few seconds, sometimes a minute to "warm-up" the starter. You had to turn the ignition half way before you actually start the car. That's the only "warming up" a car might need to function (normal circumstances).

Not disagreeing with you, just want to add my flavour of "the image is stupid".

Also, unless it's the first move of the game, you need a word on the board to add your own with a shared letter.

The Wikipedia article linked on top states that most margarine has moved to lower trans-fats since the turn of the century. It's probably at least as healthy as butter, if not moreso.

Depends heavily on the sub-category of Casio. I have a Lineage (Wave Ceptor?), it's a great watch for pretty much every day.

Any old racing game would do. Emphasis on "old", as modern non-arcade racing games are weird to play on keyboard.

Not where this bridge is built. This looks like a German autobahn, so the closest thing to a tiger crossing that is either a lynx or a fox.

I know the type. It's probably a more aged variant or evolution ot the more party-prone stereotypes.

Contains overdramatization and slight exaggerations

Cheapest flights possible to the cheapest "vacation" island possible. Vacation as in

  • drinking until you can't even pronounce "hi"
  • habitual disturbance of locals and other guests
  • being fleeced by club owners and everyone else because you have "tourist" stamped on your forehead
  • sleeping off the night by the pool and pre-game from midday to evening
  • only eating (and drinking) the same stuff as at home, because fuck other cultures who don't know how to make a kebab/Schnitzel/...
  • coming back after 10 days of daze, hangovers and (optional) all-inclusive buffets

Did I forget something?

When he was finally done, he approached us and I said “Hi how are you?” with a smile.

There's probably the problem. Don't ask a german "how are you", they will interpret it as the start of a conversation, not a greeting. You might either get weird looks or a detailled personal and medical history of that person. In food service, you get to the point. A "Excuse me" or "Can we order please" is a way better way to initiate an order.

Thank you for saying this. The PDCAAS shows the digestible properties of different protein sources. It would be a good multiplicative factor for the X-Axis to make the sources comparable, since Cow's Milk, Chicken, Egg, Whey, Casein, Tuna and Soy Protein (Isolate) have a score of 1 while Lentils, Tofu, Rice and Wheat have roughly 0,5.

That means you need to eat (and buy and cook) twice the amount of the latter to gain roughly the amount of actionable protein of the former.

Had to be done... (discuss.tchncs.de)
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