I used what known as 2's compliment. Take the complement (flip all the bits - here that would give you 01110
which is 14) then add 1.
Or -15 days
Did you only try F2? It's possible the graphical session is on tty2 - see if ctl+alt+F1/ 3 does anything
Buddy didn't sleep tight enough
safer for all parties
If you were a pedestrian who had to walk through one of those designs, I guarantee you would not feel very safe.
The problem with traffic engineering is that it's solely concerned with vehicle traffic. Making roads safer and easier to drive on for cars actively makes them worse for everyone outside a car.
This is why carbon pricing should be done upfront. Pretty hard to lie about the physical volume of fossil fuels getting delivered to your factory
Arrows are more descriptive. \vec is better.
Have you ever noticed those low effort reposts also getting the same top 10 comments as the original? It's slop all the way down.
GNOME spawning 3 new DEs every time they have a major version update
If nothing else, it would be hard to do worse than the ‘90s version.
I'm gonna have to rewatch the 1999 movie now because I remember liking it a lot back then.
"Steam gauges" on car/plane instrument panels. Yeah, digital displays are cheaper to manufacture and less prone to failure, but they kinda suck the fun out of it.