
joined 1 week ago
[–] -2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Well, it would really suck for the millions who are in customer service/retail. You've essentially made them homeless and struggling even more than they were before.

I wish anyone who has idealistic thoughts of protesting like this, would think things thoroughly. Seems like protesting in general, it's just about do action now, thinking almost never.

[–] 9 points 2 days ago

Distractions. You need a lot of them. Good company. Good hobbies. Something.

It is never a great idea to let your mind wander off for too long, because it'll go places you wouldn't want it to and you'll sometimes just be held down by it.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Hangers with those hooks on the sides that I guess are meant to slip the collar of the shirts into? They don't really serve as a good use plus they seem to get tangled with other hangers at times and hang securely anyways. I've seen better hangers at work where there is a strip of some rubber compound on the top sides of each hanger, they hold things much better and I feel that's the more better of the design for a hanger.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I would inform potential dates that there really isn't going to be a family for them to meet and that I am probably the last representative of that family. If they ask me if they're going to have a father-in-law or a mother-in-law, I would tell them it is probably in title only.

The goal is to spare your dates or would-be newlyweds from getting involved with what drama or dysfunctionality your family has gone through. You are doing your date a huge favor.

[–] 11 points 3 days ago

When phones got developed so much, you can virtually do half of the things on them as you would a laptop.

It sounded like you didn't see what the point things were when they arrived around your time. But I can tell you, the passing 90s and 2000s just straight shot technology faster than we can comprehend.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I see you've asked this very thing and it didn't go over well for you in the other instance.

America is not entirely immune from the problems you've seen in Europe. Different continents, different sets of problems. America's problem is how it takes any and every chance it has had, to be a more prosperious country and pisses it away by allowing very few rich people and corporations take it entirely over.

And it is at the expense of the populace. What's there to be grateful for when YOUR country is the one offering free healthcare, when America has pressurized it's people in a 'pay or die' situation?

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Some people who have dignity for themselves, would rather serve their position honorably and be mistaken because they're human. They don't want to do their job poorly that directly violates their own work ethic and the duty they have sworn to uphold.

Resigning in this case is basically saying "I will not be told how to do my job because you don't understand how it works and I will not let you use my job as a means to play political theater".

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Yes, 3+4 remakes. I'm for it. It has to be.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Backing this, I was going to write up a separate comment but this is really best left with someone professional. Not just anyone can really help with this. We'd have to know history which may be a few more paragraphs, we'd have to know their environment and livelihood, habits .etc

And that's just something that'll be exhausting to read and risks the OP to be set up to be scrutinzed or judged. Don't really want that here.

[–] 6 points 4 days ago

Coffee/Monster Java. I really feel like I can't function without either. I can go without Monster Java for a few days, but the coffee is something I can't go without in it's absence.

Porn. While this has been gradually getting better with not stockpiling tons and tons of images and not stroking off as much. I do spend quite some time looking at porn and falling into old habits from time to time.

Food Portion Control. I have poor portion control, I really do. I've long stopped going to chinese buffets which is a great step in progress. But I've substituted it with going to BK time to time and grabbing things that are just as bad if eaten in a day's worth.

[–] 0 points 4 days ago (1 children)

From just headphone use? No, disagreed. From loud music? I used it as an example, I don't listen to loud music constantly as much anymore. You can't avoid Tinnitus because even if you didn't listen to loud music all of the time, being surrounded by loud noise in general will eventually get you there. I work in a store where people slam pallets down (for no stupid reason), screech pallet jacks, have noisy pallet jacks in general, ladder carts squeal and screech. We're not allowed to protect our ears because "CONSOOMER FIRST" priority.

Plus, where I live, people slam their doors around, they holler, babies and kids throwing fits. Yeah, it doesn't matter if I listen to loud music or not, I will develop Tinnitus because of the environments. It's an environment thing.

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