
joined 2 years ago
[–] tylenol3@lemmy.world 3 points 2 years ago

I’ve got two 27” 2011 iMacs and I still use them for the kids as browsers/media players/old games. The mobile GPU isn’t amazing, but the i7 version I’ve got plays half-life 2-era games decently. Would definitely recommend sticking an SSD in it if you’re going to use it regularly. Just be aware that the spinning drives have a temp sensor on them that won’t be on an SSD but there are some easy workarounds for it. It’s a great machine for learning (a slightly older) version of Mac OS, or you can install Linux or Windows on it.

For $15, might as well just have some fun with it! If you know linux/unix at all you’ll find the terminal very comfortable, and many of us find that once we’re used to osx it’s hard to go back to windows.

[–] tylenol3@lemmy.world 9 points 2 years ago

It’s buggy and flaky and wonderful. I can’t believe A) how quickly it’s grown over the past two weeks, and B) how great the communities seem to be. I’ve only asked one question so far but I got more and better answers than I would have on Reddit. I was feeling pretty down about the internet during the last week of June, but now I’m feeling hopeful.

[–] tylenol3@lemmy.world 3 points 2 years ago

“Women of Reddit: what’s the sexiest sex you ever sexed (and why)?”