I'm not
Arstechnica doesn't cite its sources? All it has are links to more Arstechnica articles.
The above article says,
In the US, the feds are currently testing whether existing laws protecting kids against abuse are enough to shield kids from AI harms.
..but doesn't cite any sources. There's an embedded link, back to Arstechnica. What the fuck?
I'm enjoying it as well - there's a lot of love here. The author has dedicated years of their life to understanding this phenomenon and how to address it; there's theory, practical uses and tons of documentation.
You don't need to match energy with fools folks. Keep doing what you love, even if inconsiderate braindead chumps give you a "No."
I live with an abuser and just getting out of bed is a monumental struggle
This one is missing all of the penguins being insufferable people, in both frames.
I am exhausted by a constant deluge of this.
Obviously Evil Person is doing Obvious Evil! Half of America supports him
I don't want to know anymore. I just want to turn it all off.
Your parents don't know what it's like to be trans and they aren't interested in learning. They are unwilling to do the mental work of imagining the suffering of a trans person. It's selfish and lazy. You've gone out of your way to make them feel better, by apologizing, and I expect with tolerance towards their behavior when you could have just left. But they're not willing to do the same thing for you. It's one-sided.
I was wrong, I shall edit my comment
Is this a Terrance and Phillip reference
article does not mention cooperation with police?