Bruce Dickinson wrote a song about it:
joined 2 years ago
He pulled a reverse Hitler
Cries in anjin
The Uncontacted Frontier - Transnational area with highest concentration of uncontacted tribes on Earth
as the defectors must take courses on South Korean society before they are formally integrated
Would love to see what these courses entail
I think you did a great job distilling it. I can see many parallels with other communities I know too.
You just described the Esperanto community 😅
First thing I thought of when reading OP haha
Steven Seagull!!!
Read somewhere else that the engine in that plane lies really close to the ground, and the guy (maintenance worker on his first day) got suckered in. Can't say if any of this is true but that's what I read.
Generale mi ne ŝatas realec-televido, sed ĉi tiun mi certe provos rigardi. Almenaŭ la unua epizodo...
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Well, at least those other humans