Yep. But I refuse to use their damn app. And they deliberately make the interface on the mobile site cumbersome. It's tons of fun.
joined 2 years ago
I remember in the mid-aughts my brother hacked his iPod — the wheel kind, this was pre-iPhone — to hold the entirety of the text of English Wikipedia at the time.
Doch nicht allen! Es gibt Dutzende von uns. Dutzende!
Excellent! So immersive!
They may have tried that once before...
Stöckl, probably, if you're Austrian.
Where's the dedicated DRADIS monitor?
Weirder than Dutch? I do not believe this.
Okay I'm curious. With Danish being a Germanic language, how much are you benefiting from cognates and the like when making your guesses?
How about Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung? That's my personal favorite, though it lacks umlauts.
If only!