The one where a part from another plane fell off and got ingested into the Concord's engine? It's hard to see that as Concord's fault, but there was significant loss of life and reputation. But that really shouldn't be characterized as a Concord failure.
Won't happen. The primary reason the Concord failed was that they couldn't make enough money. Running engines to push a plane that fast are super expensive.
US pic (note the wall outlet). That would be 60 times per second. And yes, I'm fun at parties.
I never could understand ABBA either.
I love 90s electronic for concentration. But I've gotten into Tycho recently.
Especially when the terms and conditions say that they can update the terms and conditions at any time.
West Taiwan or East Tibet. Not sure which fits better. But imperialism is strong with this one.
More like snacks.. Lots of snacks.
I don't think that vapor pressure is necessarily relevant when the atmospheric pressure is 610 pascals (0.6% of Earth's).
Hey, try not to watch it again on your way through the parking lot!
The recycling symbol for plastics was a great bit of marketing for the plastics industry. 'Just buy a new thing and no worries you can just recycle it.'
Future geologists are going to see a marine deposit of plastic and be able to date exactly the age of the rock layer.
The country that is promoting Trump is the same one that is plotting a terrorist attack against America?