Don't worry I wouldn't have thought you were arguing, I'm glad you asked.
Woman's rights required huge societal reform, from being a mans property to being one's own self. I know we aren't all the way there in terms of woman's rights, but we have come a long way. (let's not go backwards now)
I was also thinking that the current capitalistic system is also much better than a system where power is based on bloodline like in many old Monarchy's but then I realised that if money is power, and money is inherited its not much different.
However one of our main societal reforms is using reason, logic and ethics over the supposed word of god. I have nothing against the notion of god (other than that it is objective truth), what I do take issue with is using God to manipulate people, people who think they must have faith in the word of god for them to be good people.
This puppetering of god by those in power and the blind trust of those below caused thousands of atrocities; the burning of witches, the rape of people, hundreds of conquests in the name of spreading gods word, and so, so many wars.
This again is not fully resolved in many countries. Such as Israel, were blind faith in the twisted words of god, twisted by a corrupt pollitition, has caused tens-of-thousands of innocent deaths.
But for the most part, developed countries have left gods word as secondary advice, and have not tried to manipulate the people by puppeteering their creator.
This is (imo) a crucial step for a more transperant society. Were you don't feel you are challenging your creators ideals, but just the ideals of a snob in a suit.
Yes, they started an average hour later meaning when an hour is deducted from the darker skinned People's times, the results are more fair overall.
And even though for some indivules it is unfair, the starting situation is allready unfair and this alteration is a net positive for fairness.
It is not just skin colour that has effects on the starting time of course.