
joined 1 month ago
[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I mean if you chose a bamboo variety that loves it outside but hates it inside then it will be a big challenge to keep them alive inside (most bamboos you see growing outside won't like it inside)

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

My Earina Autumnalis orchid flowered I have also got lots of other plants Im proud of, but I'm away from home so this is the only photo I've got.

Your terrarium is looking beautiful! I'm planning on making a large cooled terrarium for alpine plants sometime. All my current tereriums are small so it will be quite a challenge.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I really don't understand the allure of Kiss launcher, but I guess its not for me.

I'm trying out heliboard since everyone is recommending it. It does seem very good. Might be my new main keyboard.

And I will definitely try out antenna pod as you give it so much praise

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Thanks for your recommendations, also btw your auxio link links to aves instead of auxio

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Thanks, I'm trying out NewPipe right now but haven't quit got the hang of it, though Im not giving up yet, I just don't feel I can rank it yet.

Also i agree those Fossify apps are great that's why I included the Fossify suite in A tier. I realise now that maybe they arent all A tier so Here's my ranking of Fossify apps that fits in with the prior ranking:

Low S tier: Contacts, phone, SMS messenger

A tier: Gallary, file manager, Calendar, Clock, calculator

B tier: paint, voice recorder, keyboard, camera, launcher

Haven't used enough to rank: notes - no sync and no markdown :( Music player - just haven't used it much


Heres my tier list of open source android apps, I have only included ones i feel I have used enouph to understand.

Please tell me any of your favorite open source apps as I would love to hear.

S tier- OpenCalc, firefox, thunder, organic maps, Aegis authenticator, wikipedia, translate you, F-Droid.

A tier: open camera, fossify suite, k-9, termux, simplenote, Acode, pie launcher,

B tier: gallery (by iacoblonut), peer tube, simple keyboard, floris board (might be higher if it used haptic feedback interface by default), unexpected keyboard (would be S tier if shift did not carry on selecting text once released).

C tier: FreeDcam, libre camera, geo notes, free paint.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Its outdoors, it can be to warm inside for these orchids to be happy

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Thank you, it's native to New Zealand. I am growing it on spagnum (spagnum seeweed mix), the spagnum is dried, not killed, so it does not rot easily and may grow again if kept in the right conditions.

The spagnum is also apparently sustainably harvested in New Zealand. however I have my doubts on how sustainable it actually is, so Im trying to grow future batches myself (grows so slow, and im pretty bad at re-aliving it)

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Thabk you! I love them to.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Thank you! I was so happy when I saw flowers with the new shoots. I think it loves it there now :)

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

More on the wild side I love bilberrys! and they are native to the UK. Delicious and great garden decor


About a year ago I rescued a native Earina autimnalis orchid that had fallen on to the road. I placed it on a tree with some sphagnum moss behind and watered it occasionally.

I was worried it wasn't happy, but then new shoots started growing, and before I knew it, flower spikes emerged!

A conservation friend of mine, who has cared for native orchids, said she's never seen them flower in captivity. So I wasn't expecting much from the spikes.

Then today when I checked how the orchid was doing, It was flowering with some of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen :).


Here's my current record for most ferns growing on top of each other!

A tree fern called a ponga (Alsophila tricolor) forms the base, growing on this tree ferns trunk is a hen and chicken fern (Asplenium bulbiferum).

Hen and chicken ferns grows little bulbils (baby ferns) on its fronds, when the bulbils are old enouph, they drop off to become a new hen and chicken fern.

These bulbils make up the final layer of ferns of my fern stack, making it a magnificent 3 layers of fern.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Ideally yes, but in the real world this would be infeasible. Things can't be tailored to one person specifically. there are so many countless factors that could lead to a headstart and it would be impossible to account for all of them.

Instead we find the ones that are the biggest factors and focus on them. Race is a big factor. But race is not the only big factor, and ideally all the biggest factors should be accounted for.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

I am confused how your analogy is different to the original one? the original one was also not affected by prior races.

A headstart would never be fair if gone untreated.

that's why the final results are calculated to eliminate the affect of anyone's headstart.

I think I must have misunderstood something with your comment. If you dont mind could you explain what I missed?


Dendrobium cunninghamii, in Puketi Forest, New Zealand. In full bloom :). Its indigenous Maori name is Winika and a Maori canoe (Waka) is named after it

"In the fork of the tree grew a type of orchid known as ‘te winika’ which blooms with masses of white and green star-shaped flowers, evoking the huia feathers worn by high ranking rangatira (chiefs). This led to the auspicious name being given to the waka taua, that served Maaori royalty for many purposes, from transport to ceremonial duties."

-50 years of majestic waka at Waikato Museum Source

Image by me

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

I found this while walking through the Bush it was on the track with its exuviae right next to it. They are bloody deafening at this time of year but I still love to see them. Unfortunately I couldn't get any photos with the eyes properly in focus (as well as the exuviae) and my dog was desperate to carry on walking so this is the best I got.

Edit: spelling

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