
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] 7 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (21 children)

oh my god im sick of this 'the democratic party cannot fail, only be failed' bullshit. I remember the 2000 election, where these chucklefucks, the same leadership we had in 2024, literally the same people in charge, handed over a presidency that they won because the fascists threw a fit. my life was largely defined by the consequences of the democratic party's abdication to fascists that election. I cannot forgive them for that, if nothing else.

and I'm not confident, given some of the comments musk's son has let slip and the years of always-confessional fascist whinging about election interference, that people DIDN'T properly vote for the absolute piece of shit the dems tried to run, again. that americans weren't just that cucked.

the fact they were willing to ratfuck the candidates the american people wanted, time and time again, since god damn world war two, suggests that these assholes are more willing to risk fascism by putting incompetent figureheads in charge than deal with moderate center left reformers-from henry wallace to bernard sanders-suggests they would not have fought for us, just like they didn't really fight for us from 2020-2024. these were not our people in washington, and expecting our slavish devotion was insulting when they gave us nothing in return, largely letting the fascists run free. maybe, if donald trump was such a threat, and he was, and open fascism was such a huge fucking deal, which it is, they should have run somebody with at better chance of winning an election, nodded to things that energized americans, or played hard ball during the campaign?

I do remember the campaign, by the way. I have the curse of all lefties everywhere; I can remember thirty or more seconds into the past. I remember them pulling back on winning strategies like 'hey these guys are weird deranged little freaks' and 'this fascism thing doesn't sound very nice' because presumably they were more concerned with their ability to be weird little freaks once they took charge, and their ability to do fascism-lite once they were in charge, than with making sure the real thing didn't happen. and maybe that's why they didn't lock trump up when they had control. maybe that's why they didn't cover the white house lawn in gallows on january7. maybe that's why they wouldn't have fought an election result like 2000, if it had occurred, and let the fascists just have the win if it came to that. again. they certainly didn't contest a very very shady election.

cut the shit. the democratic party is done. it's over. they will not resist, because they don't want to, because they would rather side with fascists than the most mild social reformers, the most mild corporate regulator not-quite-communists, the most mild prison abolitionist not-quite-anarchists. they were never going to resist.

move the fuck on. do something real rather than spending your time trying to blame the failures of your duplicitous masters on the people you think should be your natural allies. they didn't even fail to stand up for us; they never tried, and your defense of the democratic party is genuinely offensive. maybe try joining us. go outside, cook some food for your community, talk to people, start a gun club.

[–] 10 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (6 children)

make sure you get paid up front, dude. these people do not keep their promises. money is also a promise. don't trust that shit either. the moment you outlive your usefulness; you're out.

ownership is theft, comrade.

real leftists try to control the means of production to make guns, which is cheaper now than ever if you don't care about quality.

what does 'left' mean to you, dear nazi?

maybe we should, like, do something about that?

[–] 8 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

yeah. letting silicon valley build the sword with which to slay the dragon Truth was really some 'neon genesis evangellion' grade bullshit. posadism hasn't failed in this timeline, though. fingers crossed.

but when the corporation is slobbering all over the president's dick while it feeds his ketamine addiction, how is it different from a part of the government?

[–] 0 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)


so it doesn't mean anything. glad we agree laws were only ever an excuse, a way to keep the peasantry from banding together to protect their own when men rode in on horseback to take one of theirs, and a way to absolve a parasitic nobleman of his atrocities with a wrist slap, and disperse a crowd of raging peasants like a magic spell.

see, I remember getting banned on reddit for this several years ago. it was a thing. there was no rule against it; they just decided to. and now they're actively touching the president's dick (actual president, the white south african wannabe supervillain with the ketamine addiction, not the mcdonalds guy who technically puts us in the same continuity as the 'home alone' movies) which makes them effectively part of the government. and they're doing censorship of ideas they don't like. which is on paper supposed to be illegal in the united states. that was what I was getting at.

we can fix this by putting estrogen in the water. sorry in advance to all the trans guys; your sacrifice will be honored.

[–] 8 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

and you just fucking ruined what would have been the coolest thing ever by putting it in public!

yeah brave always felt gross and i remember them doing shady crap for years.

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