[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 29 points 2 days ago

The word “skibidi” makes me roll my eyes. Every generation has their own slang, though, so whatever.

[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 1 points 2 days ago

If you only look at it from that angle, yeah. I bet the next generation of Anonymous is growing right now, though.

[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 20 points 2 days ago

He wasn’t, but having boundaries and being a do-gooder are not the same thing. Some types of criminals need to be kept in isolation to protect them from other criminals.

[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 40 points 2 days ago

When I saw the title, my first reaction was to talk it out and explain your feelings to her. Once I read the rest, though, I changed my mind.

This is shaming and bullying. Sex is also a huge no-no. A supervisor should know better. HR is probably your best option.

I know that for years it’s been popular to say things like “HR exists to protect the company, not you.” In many cases, that’s still true. However, companies (and society in general) have become more sympathetic to issues like yours. They’d rather discipline people like her than deal with the multimillion dollar settlements that people like her cause.

[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 3 points 2 days ago

Looking at these comments, I’ll just file it under “terms to avoid”.

[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 5 points 3 days ago

So… of the employees who sold shares before the warnings, what laws did they break?

[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 5 points 3 days ago

I hope they are. I just don’t trust corporations/governments to take the major and expensive steps required before it’s too late, and I have a hard time seeing past that. Individuals can only do so much.

[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 10 points 3 days ago

Points to the first person to think of parking there

[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 10 points 3 days ago

I don’t have kids of my own, and don’t plan to. I often wonder what kind of world my sisters children will grow up in.

[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 42 points 3 days ago

People don’t think pot is addictive because it’s not chemically addictive, like nicotine or alcohol are. Those things actually change your body chemistry, and your system becomes reliant on them.

Pot doesn’t do that, but it can definitely be psychologically addictive . Virtually anything can be psychologically addictive, like video games or watching TV. If you feel the need to take a few bong hits every hour of every day, or if your desire to get high interferes with your responsibilities, then yeah, you’re probably psychologically addicted. Get help.

Getting wasted every once in a while is probably okay, though. People need to make sure they’re not like one of those idiots I knew in college, who insisted they drove better when high. They didn’t, and neither does anyone else.

[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 3 points 4 days ago

Nothing screams government like a country made entirely of islands giving minimal attention to marine ecosystems. I try to stay optimistic, but most of us humans are in the hands of corrupt, greedy morons.

[-] magnetosphere@fedia.io 3 points 4 days ago

I’ve never seen Monster’s Ball, but Mulholland Drive was pretty hot. I’m sorry you had what should have been a wonderful experience marred by awkwardness.


Is it because of the instance they’re posting from, some kind of “award”, or what?

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