[-] kryllic@programming.dev 6 points 3 days ago

Sorry about that, the wayback machine didn't have a version without the paywall unfortunately :/

submitted 3 days ago by kryllic@programming.dev to c/til@lemmy.world

Boy, I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder...Oh...yikes

[-] kryllic@programming.dev 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I regret buying a PS5 at all. I haven't been a PSN subscriber for over three years at this point and I don't feel inclined to be in the future. All the games my friends and I play are on PC and really the only game worth a damn is Astrobot, which is far and away the most fun platformer game I've played and is the sole game to justify that console purchase lol.

I echo the other comments here saying this generation is a waste, it really is and there is nothing really to be gained by getting the latest and "greatest" console today. Maybe it's just a sign of the times that consoles just don't have that much pull like they used to, unless they're portable like the Steam Deck or Switch.

[-] kryllic@programming.dev 35 points 3 weeks ago

Unrelated but the additional padding at the bottom of each page is an unexpected QOL feature I didn't know I needed.

[-] kryllic@programming.dev 9 points 4 weeks ago
  • The "week of fights" as it was later called, where we went on soft lockdown four days in a row due to community violence. First time was because a guy with a crowbar was trying to break the front door windows of the school to get in. His brother or something was going to fight someone and I guess he wanted to be there to help. The other times were also due to fights involving members of two families if I recall correctly, it was really weird.
  • One student threw a textbook of another student on the roof of the school, who just so happened to be affiliated with some gang. He and his brother beat him up outside my bus, where a well-placed punch sprayed blood on my window.
  • Star basketball player decided it would be a good idea to commit armed robbery the day before graduation.
  • A twitter account was created that would post the name of a senior girl and their "rank" in terms of "hotness" a few times a day. No one could figure out who was behind the account, although I think there was a shortlist of potentials.
  • Another twitter account was created that looked like the school district's official twitter page, which posted that school was canceled due to snow. Well about half the kids believed it and didn't show up, so the school was a total ghost town that day, and none of the teachers did any real teaching since most of them had so few students
[-] kryllic@programming.dev 5 points 1 month ago

Congrats on releasing a game! It's a large undertaking to code in general let alone release something, so kudos for sticking it through! Out of curiosity, how did you determine system specs for your game? I have a 2D SHMUP that I'm writing and was trying to find a solid answer online, and it seems it ranges from "take a wild guess" to "hope you like excel spreadsheets" lol.

[-] kryllic@programming.dev 4 points 1 month ago

Actionscript, my beloved

[-] kryllic@programming.dev 72 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Generated with ai because I also didn't watch lol:

Short Summary

  1. In the 1950s and 60s, there was a belief in a golden age of news where information was delivered without political bias, shaped by cultural, technological, and political forces.
  2. The rise of television, figures like Joe McCarthy and 60s radicals, and even Ronald Reagan played a role in shaping the news landscape.
  3. The aftermath of World War II highlighted the power of propaganda and the need for responsible news delivery.
  4. Government sought to regulate news organizations through acts like the Radio Act of 1927 and the Fairness Doctrine in 1949 to ensure programming was in the public interest.
  5. During the era of television news, objectivity was valued, with news programs not expected to make money and a doctrine of social responsibility guiding ethical journalism.
  6. The New York Times set high standards for objectivity, with television news aiming to emulate this model.
  7. Clips from the era showed commentators presenting opposing viewpoints without bias or emotionally loaded language, allowing the audience to form their own opinions.
  8. Anchors like Walter Cronkite maintained impartiality even when reporting on controversial topics like the election results of pro-segregation candidate George Wallace.
  9. Journalism in the 60s and 70s shifted towards a more active approach, with journalists encouraged to call out lies and take sides based on facts.
  10. By the end of the 60s, there was a noticeable shift towards more activism-driven content in newspapers like The New York Times, departing from earlier eras where objectivity was considered the highest journalistic goal.
[-] kryllic@programming.dev 18 points 2 months ago

The site also has an active Discord community of around 35k members, who actively participate in discussions, art competitions, even a chess tournament.

lulz, but this is probably a big reason why this happened, discord servers pay our pretty well and profiting with this stuff probably got some legal teams a little pissy

[-] kryllic@programming.dev 11 points 2 months ago

IIRC this is how those Elon musk crypto livestream hacks worked on YouTube back in the day, I think the bad actors got a hold of cached session tokens and gave themselves access to whatever account they were targeting. Linus Tech Tips had a good bit in a WAN show episode

[-] kryllic@programming.dev 1 points 2 months ago

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/16106778

Contrary to what is stated on the polyfill.io website, Cloudflare has never recommended the polyfill.io service or authorized their use of Cloudflare’s name on their website. We have asked them to remove the false statement, and they have, so far, ignored our requests. This is yet another warning sign that they cannot be trusted.

[-] kryllic@programming.dev 21 points 3 months ago

I hate how YouTube seems to intentionally show salacious ads if you opt out of ad personalization. I get a ton of Temu spam despite not purchasing anything from that app or even having it on my phone, and the ads themselves usually feature scantily-clad women that takes up 70% of the screen. I've made a habit of just opening up the comments section and keeping them open the entire duration of the video. It really feels like YouTube/Google/Alphabet is saying "oh, you don't want people around you to think you're a perv? Let us collect more data about you so you can save face in public when you use our app at the gym or at work."


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Very excited to have another YouTube juggernaut in the open source ring!


Hey all, hoping I can gain some insight into an issue I'm having with my sengled lightbulbs. Basically I have two scenes set up in HAS, one "default" scene that has all the lights at 100% brightness with soft white and another that is for movies that turns off all the light except two and modifies the color value to be a more orange, and lower brightness.

My issue is when trying to set the default scene, the color values of my pair of lights don't seem to keep the color temperature. The color picker will immediately clear any value I set after 2 seconds, and go back to the previous scene's brightness and color. I can usually go into the sengled app to reset the color to what I want but this is far from ideal.

It's important to note that I'm using the unofficial sengled api addon from HACS and I am not using the zigbee versions of the lightbulbs (I don't have a zigbee-compatible usb stick yet).

Is this an api limitation or something else I'm missing? Would the zigbee versions work better than the WiFi ones? My router is practically right next to the light bulbs so I doubt that's the issue.

We get it, it hit 4% (programming.dev)

In all seriousness it's very exciting, I just don't need to see the same information worded 20 different ways from random clickbait sites lol

magnetic fields (lemmy.sdf.org)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.sdf.org/post/13026743

magnetic fields

submitted 6 months ago by kryllic@programming.dev to c/memes@lemmy.world

This is an incredibly informative video from Valve, especially dispelling myths near the end.

PDF version: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/steamworks_docs/english/SteamVisibility102023.pdf


13:00 - 13:45 UTC 15:00 - 15:45 CET/CEST 09:00 - 09:45 EST/EDT 06:00 - 06:45 PST/PDT 16:00 - 16:45 EET/EEST

godot-playfab – A Godot Extension To Easily Integrate PlayFab, a Cloud-Based Backend as a Service


Johannes Ebner

Today, all games – whether single or multiplayer – need a backend.

But game devs want to build games, not backends (well, with some very rare exceptions). Enter PlayFab, a free backend-as-a-service solution (up to 100k users). But how do you interact with it in your favorite game engine, Godot, with your favorite scripting language, GDScript?

In this session, we’ll show you how to leverage godot-playfab, the Godot/GSDScript SDK Johannes maintains, so you can make the most of it in your Godot game!

anon enjoys accessibility (programming.dev)
Anon is a landscaper (programming.dev)
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