Why do you think it happened?
Looked at the article... it's really discouraging the way some Americans support and seem to love this guy. With everything he's doing, do you think he's setting the country up for another major terrorist attack?
The guy's definitely not winning any popularity contests.
I haven't celebrated xmas for several years now and it's seriously been so liberating.
I've seen a couple of news articles saying the U.S. is setting itself up for another terrorist attack, but a couple of Americans have told me that's not the case and they're not worried about it... anyone have any insight into this they can offer?
Is this supposed to be our response to Trump's threats? Can't say it instills much confidence, or any actually.
Sorry, didn't mean it as a criticism... it's something I've been thinking about for a long time, and still can't come up with a 100% original thought of my own.
I'm not positive about this, but what I suspect is that we're maybe not capable of having thoughts that are 100% original... that we're in fact all followers in this sense, each of us following sets of different ideas originally coming from some place else. I do believe however that it's possible for an original thought to come to us from these other places that we can't express because there are no words to express them. The example I gave elsewhere in the thread is of a man I knew who almost died... he claimed to see something when he was unconscious that he said he couldn't describe because there were no words to describe it. And I think this is where the spiritual realm comes in, which a lot of people think is nonsense and don't believe in... but then can't explain why they seem incapable of having 100% original thoughts that are purely their own.
Just thinking about comics is already unoriginal, something originally created by someone else and that many people have thought about probably countless times by now.
Yes, it does seem that way, but our thoughts are influenced pretty much non-stop on a daily basis.
Expressing it wouldn't make it unoriginal... it's when you share it with others and they become influenced by it that it's no longer original on their part if they repeat it in some form or other.
Hmm, you don't sound very worried about it either... same as the other Americans I've asked. Like, unless I'm just not reading your tone right, I'm probably more worried about it than you are.