[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The metadata in the headers can be avoided using Memoryhole and similar protocols which embed the headers inside the encrypted payload. The problem is again barrier to entry. Low-tech users generally can’t even handle app installs on desktops.

When you say “worry”, that’s not the right word for it. My boycott against Google is not fear-driven. I will not feed Google anything it can profit from as an ethical stance. Even if an expert linux tor user were on Google, I’m not sure we could exchange email in a way that ensures Google gets no profitable data. If we use PGP coupled with Memoryhole to strip out the headers, I’m not sure Google would accept a msg with a missing or bogus From: header. But if so, Google still possibly learns the user’s timezone. Though that may be useless if Google learns nothing else about that user. But we’re talking obscure corner cases at this point. Such an expert user would have no Google dependency anyway.

MS/google-dependent friends are generally extremely low-tech. They don’t know the difference between Firefox and the Internet. They don’t know the difference between Wi-Fi and Internet. Linux -- what’s linux? They would say. At best, they just think of it as a mysterious nerd tool to be avoided. So what can I do wholly on my end to reach them via gmail without Google getting a shred of profitable data? Nothing really. So I just don’t connect directly with a large segment of friends and family. Some of them are probably no longer reachable. Some are in touch with people who connect to me via XMPP, so sometimes info/msgs get proxied through the few XMPP users. It’s still a shitshow because Google still gets fed through that proxied inner circle of friends and family. In the past when someone needed to reach me directly, they would create a Hushmail or Protonmail mail account for that temporary purpose (like coordinating a trip somewhere). But that option is mostly dead.

I just had to reach out to plumbers for quotes. All of them are gmail-served. All I could do is refuse to share my email address and push them to use analog mechanisms. They are not hungry enough for business to alter their online workflow or create protonmail accounts.

[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

That’s exactly what I did with hushmail. I would tell low-tech folks to get a hushmail account then I would use hushtools.com to do all the key management, putting my key on the keyring and grabbing their key. So the other person did not need to know anything or take any special steps. That was best option of my time. But last time I checked hushmail was still entirely non-gratis.

Protonmail emerged when HM became non-gratis and messed with hushtools. But PM requires every one of their own users to do key management which creates a barrier to entry. I would have to walk a PM user through adding my key to my record in their address book and walk them through sending me their key. That effort is a show stopper for many. I might as well walk them through setting up a PGP-capable MUA. But then if they keep their gmail or MS acct the metadata still feeds those corps.

[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

This simple answer is no doubt the most overlooked; probably as a consequence of the tyranny of convenience.. people too lazy to go to the library.

[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 3 weeks ago

I give out my XMPP address and offer Snikket accounts. Some go along with it and some do not. I lost touch with some friends. Some people are in contact via phone but that’s not ideal some connections are lost as phone numbers change.

I used to push some people toward Hushmail until they dropped the gratis plans. Then for a while I pressured people onto Protonmail but then distanced myself from PM when the brought in Google reCAPTCHAs and killed off Hydroxide. Tuta is a non-starter because Tuta’s variety of e2ee is incompatible with open standards, thus forcing me to periodically login to a web UI (also due to them sabotaging their Android app by way of forced obsolescence pushed in the most incompetent way).

So it’s a shitty state of affairs. 2024 and simply sending a msg to someone has become a total shitshow.

[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

For what it’s worth, I didn’t mean take the sensor out of the wall, but just electrically unplug it from the controller to see what it does on its own when you turn on the water.

Yeah I figured that but the terminals on the sensor are hard to reach so I was figuring I would need to remove it. But then it occurred to me that I could leave the thing in place and do the isolated test by unplugging the X2 connector from the motherboard and easily access the pins through that connector. So that’s what I did. Results:

  • at rest, the signal wire is 4.75 V
  • water running, the signal wire is 2.3 V

So in isolation the sensor worked correctly. Then I plugged it back into the motherboard and retested to confirm again the bad voltages. But in fact the readings were correct. It’s unclear why it works now. I wonder if the unplugging and replugging of the x2 connector improved a connection that deteriorated somehow.

Thanks for saving me €36! However incidental. If I had not done the test in isolation, I probably would not have messed with the X2 connector. I would have normally just replaced the sensor as an experiment.

(edit) I can hear a ticking sound coming from the motherboard. I’m not sure how long it’s been doing that. It’s quite faint unless I put my ear close to the board. Maybe it’s normal.

[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

It shows 5V on the diagram but I don’t think that’s precise. I measured the red wire at 4.68v which is around what the guy in the video got in his test. Since the board is part of the circuit I suppose I cannot rule out the board as a problem. Testing the sensor in isolation will be rough going because it’s a proprietary joint. So I would have to get a tight rubber hose and fit that onto a garden hose. For powering it I have a switchable ac adapter with a 4.5 V setting. Or I can maybe get 5V off a USB charger or ATX PSU from a PC. My multimeter does not have a frequency function but I can see from the video that it would be useful for this so I might look for 2nd hand multimeter at the next street market, though that will set me back a week (OTOH might be worth it if it helps diagnose this in a way that helps avoid buying the wrong part).

Whatever is broken here, it was something that gradually failed. For several months it was a gamble when turning on the hot tap whether the boiler would detect it and give hot water. It was like a 50/50 game of chance for a while then getting hot water became progressively less likely until it flatlined.

[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 3 weeks ago

It shows 5V on the diagram but I don’t think that’s precise. I measured the red wire at 4.68v which is around what the guy in the video got in his test. Since the board is part of the circuit I suppose I cannot rule out the board as a problem. Testing the sensor in isolation will be rough going because it’s a proprietary joint. So I would have to get a tight rubber hose and fit that onto a garden hose. For powering it I have a switchable ac adapter with a 4.5 V setting. Or I can maybe get 5V off a USB charger or ATX PSU from a PC. My multimeter does not have a frequency function but I can see from the video that it would be useful for this so I might look for 2nd hand multimeter at the next street market, though that will set me back a week (OTOH might be worth it if it helps diagnose this in a way that helps avoid buying the wrong part).

[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Yeah, if by /in system/ you mean connected to the board. I didn’t mess with anything other than to stick my probes onto the wires. The boiler is not switching on to heat water and it acts just as if it is not detecting that water is running. So a broken flow sensor was one of the theories. And since the readings seem quite off from what’s expected I guess buying a new sensor is the right move.

Once I get it removed I’ll see if it looks like I can rebuild it but I don’t expect that to go well. I may not have to waste it though. Considering the at rest voltage is double the running water voltage, it’s still detecting water running. It’s just not giving the voltage the board expects. So one idea is maybe I can repurpose this to turn on a shower light when the shower water is running.

If I had an electronics background I would probably try to do a makeshift gadget that converts 0.66 V to 2V and 1.33 V to 0 V. Then I wouldn’t need a new sensor (which could cost €100.. i’ve not checked locally yet but online prices are looking terrible).

[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the feedback. I see that that’s indeed the case.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/askelectronics@discuss.tchncs.de

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/26703241

This diagram is from the service manual of a combi boiler. It’s a flow sensor which detects whether hot water is running, which is then used to trigger on-demand heat and switch a diverter to take radiators out of the loop.

In English, the diagram shows:

  • X ⅔ red wire (+5V)
  • X 2/2 black wire (ground)
  • X 2/6 green wire (signal)

I need to know what those fractions mean. I took the voltage measurements in this video:

I cannot necessarily trust the model in that video to have the same specs as mine. My voltmeter detected 4.68 V on the red input wire showing that the sensor is well fed. The green “signal” wire is supposed to be 0 V at rest and 2 V with water running (or I think the reverse of that is used in some models). In my case the green wire is ~1.33 V at rest and ~0.66 V when water is running. I need to know if these readings are normal as I troubleshoot this problem.


@unexposedhazard@discuss.tchncs.de and a couple others gave the answer I was after. Then @tofubl@discuss.tchncs.de helped solve the underlying problem. The theory that the sensor was fine but the board was not drove me to test the sensor in isolation. The sensor gave correct output in isolation. Then I connected it back to the motherboard to retest and reconfirm that it’s still broken. But it actually worked. The hot water suddenly and mysteriously works now. I guess the act of draining the water and unplugging the connector then reconnecting and repressurizing caused it to work. It may be temporary, since in the past it was hit or miss whether it would work.

[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I refuse to fund my oppressors

Bingo. I live by this philosophy.

Although more precisely: I refuse to ~~fund~~ feed my oppressors. The reason for s/fund/feed/ swap is that our oppressors profit from our data too. So e.g. I won’t even email a gmail user because my data would then feed Google (an oppressor because of how they dictate e-mail terms among other oppressions).

[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The others are right. Trying to stream from a torrent seems wasteful and complex.

But if you must for some strange reason, perhaps it would work to use webtor.io to produce an http-reachable audio file which could be curl/wget-fetched and piped to an audio decoder/player. I doubt you could make webtor fetch pieces linearly from the beginning. You would likely have to wait until the last piece is fetched to start streaming.

[-] diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com 5 points 5 months ago

I’ve not fetched subtitles in a while but back when I did, I recall all the websites hosting them were extremely protectionist… more so than any other category of content on the web.

Of course the fix is to have torrents for the subtitle collections, perhaps by language.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/physics@iusearchlinux.fyi

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/9350839

The manual for an ultrasonic cleaner says:

  • Cold, clean tap water is generally best suited as cleaning fluid. The cleaning effect can be enhanced by the addition of approximately 3 drops of washing-up liquid. Do not use caustic cleaners, ammonia, bleach or heavily perfumed detergents.” (emphasis mine)

I know a professional jeweler with decades experience who cleans jewelry (mostly gold) using “Mr. Clean”¹ and ammonia, diluted, in an ultrasonic tub. The cheap ultrasonic I bought for myself is not for pros - but jewelry cleaning is the advertised purpose and it has a stainless steel tub just like the pro models have.

So the question is, what’s the purpose of the ammonia avoidance guidance, and is the pro jeweler I know making a mistake by using ammonia?

UPDATE: I also have to question why the manual of my cheap domestic ultrasonic says to use cold water. Pro ultrasonics have built-in heating elements. The pro jeweler waits until the solution is hot before using it. So why is manual of the cheap ultrasonic saying to add cold water? Since there is no heating element in my cheap one, I’m tempted to start with hot water.


① out of curiosity, is there a brand-neutral name for “Mr. Clean” (aka “Mr. Propre” in French regions)?

^ The above was posted in a chemistry forum to ask the question about ammonia, but I thought I’d try physics for the question about cold water. Normally I would want to fill the ultrasonic tub with boiling water for a better cleaning effect. But the manual says to use cold water, and it also says to give the device a cooling off period if it’s been used continuously. Is some ultrasonic hardware actually sensitive to heat?

I saw a build-your-own ultrasonic video where someone glued a ultrasonic generator to a sink to make a big ultrasonic tub. So I wonder if the cheap home device I bought might have used a glue as well, which perhaps would lose adhesion if the tub heats and cools (expansion/contraction).


When clicking the cross-post icon, a search box appears where you can select the community to cross-post to. It shows announcement communities that disallow posting. It allowed me to select !lemmyverse@lemmyverse.org. But then when I clicked “create” it just goes to lunch and gives an endless spinner. That’s a really shitty behavior. The user has no idea why it’s hanging when in fact there should be no hangup at all.

I did not know !lemmyverse@lemmyverse.org had restricted posting until I went there to see if I could post directly. The search dialog in the cross-posting form should print a prohibited icon or warning icon (⚠) next to communities where posts are impossible. This would show users there will be a problem but in a way that does not ignore the existence of those communities. And if they select such communities anyway, they should get a hard and fast proper error msg.


Apart from Cloudflare being an access restricted walled garden that harms interoperability, I really do not want my content on CF & I do not want CF content reaching me. This bug is one of many issues likely caused by Cloudflare:


I would like to flip a switch that has the effect of making my whole UX Cloudflare-free. Cloudflare is antithetical to decentralization and it has clearly broken the #Lemmy network.


I tried to post in a zerobytes.monster community from a normal (non-Cloudflared) instance using Tor Browser. When I clicked the button to submit the post, it just became an endlessly spinning icon.

Then I posted on a non-Cloudflare instance instead, which worked fine. Then I tried to cross-post it to zerobytes.monster. Again, non-stop spinner.

I suspect the problem is that even though I’m actually on node A, when I direct the content to post on node B there is perhaps a direct connection being made to node B. When node B is tor-hostile (e.g. Cloudflare) it’s blocking the packets. But the software is not smart about this.. just leaves the user hanging.

Now I wonder if the other endless spinner I encountered when trying to create an account somewhere is a Cloudflare-induced issue as well:


submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

Filled out the reg. form, filled out the CAPTCHA, and hit the “sign up” button which then turns into a spinner. The spinner never stops. Confirmation email never arrives.

Lemmy devs: please give output rather than just spinners. We have no way to know what is going on or how long it takes to process a registration form. We should receive error messages rather than a forever loop.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

I click LOGIN, enter my username, tab over to the password field and as I’m entering the password the username clears. So then i have to go back to the username field and re-enter it.

It’s as if the page is still loading but as a final action in the loading process it clears the form. I’m not a javascript expert but it feels like excessive use of js for something that should simply be html.


submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/philosophy@hexbear.net

Lately I’m running into more and more situations where I am forced to patronize a private company in the course of doing a transaction with my government. For example, a government office stops accepting cash payment for something (e.g. a public parking permit). Residents cannot pay for the permit unless they enter the marketplace and do business with a private bank. From there, the bank might force you to have a mobile phone (yes, this is common in Europe for example).

Example 2:

Some gov offices require the general public to call them or email them because they no longer have an open office that can be visited in person. Of course calling means subscribing to phone service (payphones no longer exist). To send an email, I can theoretically connect a laptop to a library network and use my own mail server to send it, but most gov offices block email that comes from IP that Google/SpamHaus/whoever does not approve, thus forcing you to subscribe to a private sector service in order to do a public transaction. At the same time, snail-mail is increasingly under threat & fax is already ½ dead.

Example 3:

A public university in Denmark refuses access to some parts of the school’s information systems unless you provide a GSM number so they can do a 2FA SMS. If a student opposes connecting to GSM networks due to the huge attack surface and privacy risks, they are simply excluded from systems with that limitation & their right to a public education is hindered. The school library e-books are being bogarted by Cloudflare’s walled garden, where a private company restricts access to the books based on factors like your IP address & browser.

Example 4:

Twitter decides who may microblog to their public representatives.

So where are my people?

So, I’m bothered by this because most private companies demonstrate untrustworthyness & incompetence. I think I should be able to disconnect and access all public services with minimal reliance on the private sector. IMO the lack of that option is injustice. There is an immeasurably huge amount of garbage tech on the web subjecting people to CAPTCHAs, intrusive ads, dysfunctional javascript, dark patterns, etc. Society has proven inability to counter that and it will keep getting worse. I think the ONLY real fix is to have a right to be offline. The power to say:

*“the gov wants to push this broken reCAPTCHA that forces me to feed a surveillance capitalist

no thanks. Give me an offline private-sector-free way to do this transaction”*

There is substantial chatter in the #fedi about all the shit tech being pushed on us & countless little tricks and hacks to try to sidestep it. But there is almost no chatter about the real high-level solution which would encompass two rights:

  1. a right to be free from the private sector marketplace; and
  2. the right to be offline

Of course there could only be very recent philosophers who would think of the right to be offline. But I wonder if any philosophers in history have published anything influential as far as the right to not be forced into the private sector marketplace. By that, I don’t mean anti-capitalism (of course that’s well covered).. but I mean given the premise is that you’re trapped inside a capitalist system, there would likely be bodies of philosophy aligned with rights/powers to boycott.

(update) The famous Leary quote “Turn on, tune in, drop out” seems to be kind of consistent in an abstract way. Not necessarily as far as the ideology but in inspiring action.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/1702086

So Bob replies to Alice, who then reads the msg and marks it as read. Then Bob makes some significant changes to the msg like adding lots of useful information that further answers Alice’s question. Alice gets no notification that the reply was updated.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

I have firefox configured to show no images because I’m on a limited connection. I think the only thing I’ve changed w.r.t. my usage habits recently is to start using Lemmy again. I’m chewing through bandwidth credit quite fast, like ¼—⅓gb in a day. Does it seem possible that Lemmy would cause that even when images are disabled in firefox? I might have to lay off lemmy a few days and see how it goes.

BTW, I only just now disabled “show avatars” in the Lemmy settings, but I don’t expect that to make any difference if my browser was already configured not to show images.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/1699039

Title says all. You can be in the middle of a lengthy response to someone, and if you click to vote their post up or down, everything you just typed is lost & non-recoverable. Yikes!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by diyrebel@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/cybersecurity@sh.itjust.works

I would love if just once an admin of a fedi host under #DDoS attack would have the integrity to say:

“We are under attack. But we will not surrender to Cloudflare & let that privacy-abusing tech giant get a front-row view of all your traffic (including passwords & DMs) while centralizing our decentralized community. We apologize for the downtime while we work on solving this problem in a way that uncompromisingly respects your privacy and does not harm your own security more than the attack itself.”

This is inspired by the recent move of #LemmyWorld joining Cloudflare’s walled garden to thwart a DDoS atk.

So of course the natural order of this thread is to discuss various Cloudflare-free solutions. Such as:

  1. Establish an onion site & redirect all Tor traffic toward the onion site. 1.1. Suggest that users try the onion site when the clearnet is down— and use it as an opportunity to give much needed growth to the Tor network.
  2. Establish 3+ clearnet hosts evenly spaced geographically on VPSs. 2.1. Configure DNS to load-balance the clearnet traffic.
  3. Set up tar-pitting to affect dodgy-appearing traffic. (yes I am doing some serious hand-waving here on this one… someone plz pin down the details of how to do this)
  4. You already know the IPs your users use (per fedi protocols), so why not use that info to configure the firewall during attacks? (can this be done without extra logging, just using pre-existing metadata?)
  5. Disable all avatar & graphics. Make the site text-only when a load threshold is exceeded. Graphic images are what accounts for all the heavy-lifting and they are the least important content (no offense @jerry@infosec.exchange!). (do fedi servers tend to support this or is hacking needed?)
  6. Temporarily defederate from all nodes to focus just on local users being able to access local content. (not sure if this makes sense)
  7. Take the web client offline and direct users to use a 3rd party app during attacks, assuming this significantly lightens the workload.
  8. Find another non-Cloudflared fedi instance that has a smaller population than your own node but which has the resources for growth, open registration, similar philosophies, and suggest to your users that they migrate to it. Most fedi admins have figured out how to operate without Cloudflare, so promote them.

^ This numbering does /not/ imply a sequence of steps. It’s just to give references to use in replies. Not all these moves are necessarily taken together.

What other incident response actions do not depend on Cloudflare?

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