Gets back up, "also, his name is Jolam." Lies back down.
joined 2 years ago
Simply ignores it while regurgitating my personal opinion as if reiteration and intuition could trump the cold equations themselves 😎😎😎
I'm running my first module campaign ever after being in DnD since my teens. The idea used to seem so foreign to me, but trying it I find that it works well as inspiration. I end up adding a lot and chopping out huge pieces and doing substitutions.
Honestly, I think that's all modules are good for. Maybe older ones were higher quality, but the one I'm using is mostly fluff and vagaries. Suits me fine though, I know how to tune an encounter, but I've burnt through a lot of my major campaign plots already. As this one goes and characters get more involved I may discard the thing altogether.
Absolutely agree. I set a game in the real(ish) world once, so it was a setting where everyone knew the base "lore." It was so nice! I could reference things, name-drop countries, and introduce old grudges without having to exposition it all. People just got things. We've since done enough games on the sword coast that that works too, now.