It will if the repos are specific to a fedora release version. That's been a thing with rpmfusion in the past, not sure it still is.
I used to have issues with like rpmfusion repos and the like, worst case you may need to now the packages you have layered, do an rpm-ostree reset, upgrade, then layer the packages again. There's a way to install the rpmfusion repos that didn't break updates, I forget if they've updated the docs on the site to use it, I stopped layering almost everything in favor of flatpak or toolbx.
I just did it. You're in for a reboot. That's about it, unless you layered a bunch of stuff.
The worst. Feel better soon.
Army of Darkness
Because fuck you: Watcher in the Woods
This one right here.
Milf Messenger needs to join the fediverse
Steam locomotives. The crazy streamlining, the size of some of those motherfuckers. 6 foot tall wheels, 100 tons moving at 125mph and all that shit accomplished 80+ years ago
I searched and didn't find anything, gonna need some specifics on this one
I've been using it without but it's been less and less reliable that way.