Man beachte die raufasermodusfreundliche Raufasertapete!
joined 1 month ago
With home row modifier keys you could get rid of yet abother row!
Danke Merz dass ich doch erst in 4 Jahren wählen darf 🥰
Blåhajs on jupiter!!!
Aight, didn't know that. I cannot yet imagine any scheduled task that would require anything more advanced than cron (or a similar standalone syntax), but I'll just trust you with that one.
I thought the same, but didn't we already have things like chron syntax for this? Systemd didn't have to build its own library.
Thanks! That font is really messing with me.
Throws what?
Suppen sind meißt zu salzig um den Durst zu stillen. Ergo sind Suppen Essen und Ayran ist eine Suppe.