The cover of a children book, «Lady Badass» with a cute princess wearing a pink armour and holding a large sword
Using Bing generator
The cover of a children book, «Lady Badass» with a cute princess wearing a pink armour and holding a large sword
Using Bing generator
However, be clear with potential lovers (if any) that you're not searching to get engaged yet. So people have clean expectation. Moreover, think about your mental well-being first and don't destroy your health by over working.
The few things I could understand about that.
Modern fighter jet have a huge software part. Remember the Top-Gun film where the F-14 needed an officer on the backseat to monitor radar, position, identify target and tons of stuff I have no idea about ? In machine like the F-35 it's replaced by a computer. Like any other software it's relatively easy to implement some permission to use-it.
Modern fighter are pretty complex piece of hardware, and you can't just have a good mechanic reproducing a part with their own tools and need a whole supply chain running
It's not even that new nor American only. Remember the Falkland war ? Airbus sent some french engineer to help Argentinian operating the Exocet missile because sinking a British warship is good for marketing and once done, the French gov told their British allies where the missile batteries were located (because their allies after all). Except that with modern technology, you can do both without having to have a defence industry engineer travelling. And realistically, any country exporting weapon would have way to make sure the weapon won't be used against them (while not limiting too much their usage to not fuck their marketing)
In many places, passing the test on an automatic would give you a licence restricted to automatic only (and the need for some more hours to learn how to drive a manual). While it's not that easy to switch from manual to automatic, it's definitely easier, so get a licence on a regular car first and if you have the opportunity to drive an automatic you'll find out by yourself in a couple of hours how it works
You don't even need to have someone else running their character. Just say that the character is busy/drunk/sick whatever match their role-play. Or simply have an agreement with the PC that despite being unrealistic for the sake of the game, nobody will wonder why a character can be absent in the middle of space or a dungeon without any justification.
I understand that in game with a big focus on party balance/tactic it may-be different but this kind of the game is the exception not hte norm
Obligatory thought to cobol, which is stil the backbone of banking computers.
I would also think to the good old electromechanical relay which are still pretty common
More political, but whatever what imperator Musk thinks Privacy isn't obsolete
some concept I'd love to GM, but there is not enough time a week.
A Vampire the requiem campaign with PC part of the Cartian movement from the french revolution to let's say the fall of the Berlin Wall. And would follow revolution hero turning into dictator and all the alternating Dictatorship-->Revolution-->Republic --> Dictatorship that lasted for the next 150 years at least.
A Kult campaign based on the backroom creepy pasta. No spoiler, but I can really see how to intricate Kult lore in that one.
I am sure there is a way to turn the Steampunk Musical The doll of New albion where Anabel is raising up the dead into a great steampunk campaign, but not sure where to start, so it's lower on my priority list.
A Fading suns campaign where the players plays symbiot, this one is on my bucket list since War in the heaven came out. However, it requires players knowing the lore and ready for some spoilers, so kinda hard to put in place.
Does D&D finally come with a lore?
Finally a playable game? (still the cost of 3?)
It's funny because I am cooking with nutmeg, and was saying that. A quick search tells me that you can have hallucination from 15g of nutmeg.
However, with the strong taste, sounds like a good netty bad poison
A vintage computer monitor, displaying a pixel-art green and black image of a cat Using SD XL and Thinkervision
I also like that one, for a bit older kids, but the weird wrist screams AI generated, so I keep-it out of competition