There are different kinds of wasps. Where I live, out of the many many kinds, only two are annoying in that they are aggressive and try to get your food. All others are chill and will leave you alone if you leave them alone. We had a nest outside our house one year. Often times, our paths would cross. A wasp would collide with us, just sit there in the air for a second, then fly around us. No time to chat, gotta get food for the hive. Also: bees and bumblebees will just take the day off if the weather is shitty. Wasps? MUST GET MORE FOOD. Hailstorm? Tornado? Lightning strikes five yards away? No excuse.

"Will it blend?" - in today's episode, Larry Ellison, massive waste of skin and resources.

This is me. I got a bag of old weed from a friend who had stopped smoking years ago. I had never smoked a blunt in my life, and wasn't a regular smoker either. So I did what any reasonable person would do abd turned it into a science experiment.

It was the late nineties and info on such matters freely flowed on the net. After some research, I decided to first produce hash oil, then make cookies from that. The process involved a lot of acetone and was pretty scary, and I would not try that again. I got some fine looking resin, and made the cookies. Then I tried one, and waited. Now, remember the guy who gave the weed to me said it was ages old and probably lost its effect. So I did what any reasonable person would do, and ate all of the cookies. You know, to make sure Id get at least some experience out if it.

The experience then started and lasted some 16 hours or so. It was weird seeing these strange cartoons play out before my eyes with them being fully open, and it was scary seeing my lungs pump air a few feet outside of my body, but other then that , it was quite an adventure. One I never repeated.


I mean ofc, one of those two sides are ~~their employers~~ them.


[-] -5 points 2 weeks ago

They are still using Reddit, so one has to wonder if they have not abandoned sanity and intellect a long time ago.

I read "Tuccan chicken" and was wondering how much meat is on those. Hah.

Some regulation changed, and that is great. It is now much easier than before to put a photo voltaic installation on your roof that has a peak energy production above 10 kWp. That used to be the magic barrier beyond which things would get drastically more complicated, beaurocracy wise. Tax hell, basically. So that is gone now, and my SO and me installed a 25 kWp installation on our roof because of it. But let me tell you: it took six month just to get it connected to the net. The local energy net provider did not manage to swap our meter for a two-way meter for six months. We were able to power our home with it, but we could not provide any power to the net. Just because that company was too stupid to click a button somewhere to send instructions to another company to swap that energy meter. That other company was here on an unrelated job a month after our PV installation was done, and I asked them about it. They told me they could theoretically do it right away, but they had no order to do it, so they couldn't.

On the other hand, very small installations ("balcony power stations") are popping up everywhere, the kind that are 600-800 Watts and plug right into your power outlet. In theory, when installing them, you should fill out a form to give your power provider the chance to swap your meter so it doesn't run backwards when you're not using all the power, but nobody I know ever does that. I am guessing that that also has quite a bit of effect on our power mix.

This says otherwise. While coal (hard coal+lignite) use had been slightly elevated in 2022, it is already below the level of 2019 now. Natural gas use is mostly for household heating, which is usually non-electric in older houses in Germany, so there is some weather related fluctuation there. There are some gas powered electricity plants for emergency use, but they are only fired if there is no other way.

[-] 20 points 3 weeks ago

Will it shut down after the seven years, telling you that the software running on the TV is "no longer supported"?

[-] 64 points 3 weeks ago

English letters? Really? So basically no a-z, only Æ, Þ, Ƿ, Ð?

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