Doing what? Mentioning Trump?

[-] 11 points 1 year ago

By what definition of fascism are tankies the same?

I’ve seen the term tankie more here in my last week in the fediverse than at any other time in my life so forgive me if I don’t fully understand. From what I’ve gathered, it’s extreme auth-left. Though being authoritarian does not automatically mean fascist.

[-] 24 points 1 year ago

So they’re pro-CCP, Uyghur genocide deniers?

Nice list. Did you compile that yourself?

Nazism, by its very nature, advocates for violence and bigotry. There are a lot of abhorrent viewpoints that are despicable before they become illegal.

Fuck them and fuck their claims and wanting free speech. That’s not even something they actually believe in.

You think Nazis care about what a sidebar says? Publicly denying their position is straight out of their playbook.

Publicly deny while dogwhistling like crazy. Hell, it’s hardly even dogwhistles.

I’ve seen a couple similar comments like this. Is this some joke I’m not “in” on or are you types just idiots?

Appreciated. Good luck with your development!

Just tried logging into kbin and crashed during submission.

Zelda 2. Or a spiritual successor might be even better. The hybrid top-down/side-scrolling perspectives is key to the feel of the game imo.

Is Diablo 4 open-world?

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