Nobody understands Finnegan's Wake.
I'm running Fedora 40 on a Surface Pro 5. The problem is that you need a custom kernel for the Pro 5 and later. You can get the kernel from the Linux Surface GitHub page. Arch, Debian, Fedora, Opensuse Tumbleweed, Gentoo, and NixOS I think all have repos set up for it, so I'd recommend one of them. Fedora works for me, noting that there was a problem installing 39, so I had to install 38 and then upgrade. On 40 now, and it's absolutely stable.
This is an adhesion contract (no counteroffer or ability to negotiate terms, and it was made unilaterally) and probably will not stand up to a challenge in court. Of course, someone would actually have to sue / afford to sue.
One solution is to support government regulation of these industries. Deregulation is the cause of much of this crap.
Is that an Atari 400 or 800?