No problem. I'm obsessed with how others look at me and I need constant validation and attention. I'm very driven by short term pleasure. I care more about the immediate validation and attention from others then long term relationships.
I found it hard to relate to others. Everyone else is like a secondary character or a NPC. I know this may sound bad but I found it hard to care about other people. I love my family and friends but it's hard to give anyone else attention.
"How does your lack of ability to connect manifest?"
Very superficial and short term relationships. It can be very isolating at times. I can connect to others but only if there really close to me.
"Do you feel connected to characters in books or movies/do their hardships affect you?"
They don't. There just made up.
"Are you doing any kind of exercises to change patterns around thinking/relating?"
Sometimes I think about others like there me. I know that sounds odd but helps me understand them. I try not to make everything about my self. I listen to others.
"How do you feel NPD hurts you?"
Yes, that's what I'm trying to get across in this thread. NPD is like a drug there's highs and lows. Sometimes when something good happens I just have this feeling that I deserve it. That I'm worthy but with that there's come downs. Sometimes things don't go to plan and makes me mad because how can I be wrong? It's hard to accept there's something wrong with you because you put yourself up on a pedestal and every mistake feels like your cracks are showing. You think that everyone else is as interested in you as you are.
"Last one, don’t answer if you don’t want, but what caused you to seek out professional help?"
I was having suicidal thoughts. I stopped seeing the psychologist cuz I lost interest.