[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 77 points 9 months ago

Classic that once wrapped is out to everyone they fire a huge amount of there workforce just a few weeks before Christmas. Shows why the streaming model is a sham.

[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 12 points 10 months ago

I found an extension that gets rid of the shorts, thank god

[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 12 points 10 months ago

Met my wife on Bumble and we just had a baby in June

[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 32 points 11 months ago

I remember getting getting sucked into opening packs years ago in Madden Ultimate team. I stopped when I realized I had spent twice over what the game itself cost. I stopped then, and never played ultimate team again. I am not an addictive person, but even the most strong minded individual can get sucked into their vortex. The fact that lawmakers let this industry be self regulated means these companies can keep abusing players.

[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Thanks for your feedback, I made some changes based on your recommendations Link. Does this look like it would work better? I wanted to pick a case I could build more in in the future. I would prefer to buy parts that are more future proof and would make it easy to upgrade the system when I have more money again later.



I've recently started to get into playing more games on my laptop. Currently the laptop I use is limited in terms of specs and really only designed to do basic tasks on, but light gaming is still pretty good. I'm able to play Fallout New Vegas and a few other small games work well too. Lately though I have been getting into emulation and playing old games from my youth. Quite a few games work fine, but when I try to play something more demanding like COD then I find my PC really struggles. I am loving emulation and feel like getting more into PC gaming as a whole.

I have done some research and found some mini PC's people online have used for emulation that work well like the Beelink SER5 Mini PC on Amazon. What I am wondering though is if it will be more worthwhile to spend a bit more and build a similar PC with the same specs that I can upgrade later. I popped into PC picker and put together a build that I believe replicates the specs of the mini PC, but I wanted to get some feedback on if this build would be good for emulation of PS2 and PS3 at 1080p as well as average Steam gaming. I am trying to keep my budget under $600, so the absence of a graphics card is intentional. I am hoping that I can get away without one now and invest in one in the near future.

Build on Partpicker, Amazon Mini PC

[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 127 points 1 year ago

Yet another example of how the streaming model is a scam. Disney also wants to ban password sharing like Netflix did. The sooner you can get away from services like this the better. Instead of forking over a fortune for all these streaming sites, it makes way more sense to invest in owning the media you consume.

[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Same. Need the micro sd

[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

We had a big flood where I live about 10 years ago. Massive amounts of water and whole basements of almost all the homes completely went under water for days. I worked for a clean up crew that summer cleaning up alot of the damage. I was 18 and needed a job and thought it would be a good experience. I was just hired as a temp by a restoration company through a hiring agency though and I found out almost everyone I was working with was the same. The people supervising us, some were not much older than me and had no idea how to run this operation. One day we are in the basement of a large commercial building. Young supervisor tells me and 3 other temps to haul out a heavy washing machine that needs to go to the main level. Only way out was a massive wood staircase that went straight up and contained probably 50 steps. This was an industrial washing machine so it weighed probably a couple hundred pounds. We get it onto a dolly and begin hauling it up the stairs. I am at the top pulling the dolly with another guy while the two others are at the bottom pushing. Thing is so heavy we have to pull it in spurts. So "1..2..3.." then we all move it up one step. We get all the way to the top and only have two more steps. Now remember when I said these basements were fully under water? That was also the case here. The staircase had been under water for days and was now very weak. So we pull the machine up to the step before the landing. As we pull it, me and the guy beside me step onto the landing. The machine goes onto the last step and the connection between the staircase and the landing at the top of the stairs breaks. Whole staircase falls and the two guys below fall with it. Luckily when it all hits the ground, the machine rolls away from the guys and they are hurt, but not seriously. Everyone comes rushing over because the sound is deafening, and me and the other guy are still standing at the top of the landing looking down at everyone. Had we not stepped onto the landing at the moment we did, we would have fallen with the stairs and the machine would have rolled ontop of us. Likely killing or permanently injuring us. It's amazing how close I was to likely death. We were pulled aside by the safety guy for the crew. I saw him later reaming out the young guy that was supervising us and told us to take the machine up the stairs. I'm pretty sure he was fired that day and he looked so distraught. In hindsight I don't blame him as he should never have been in that position and it was more a reflection on the bad business practices of the restoration company hiring temps and unqualified supervisors.

[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah for sure. Somedays no, but once you make it part of your routine it gets alot easier to enjoy. I usually listen to podcasts or music to keep my mind more active though and that helps alot, because then you are not thinking solely of the physical exertion on my body.

[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 14 points 1 year ago

Nice! A video game company listened to their consumers for once. Or at least listened to their spending habits. Hopefully more follow suit

[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Agreed, after spending time on here not being hounded by ads and tech company jargon, I see what a online social network should be like. Not motivated by profit, but rather community

[-] RoxActually@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

I use this on my Google tv. Game changer.

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