I'm up voting both of you and I'm sad about it
Yeah, he's from earth too. Should add that to your common denominator list.
Statement of the year.
I am so disappointed with Israel and it has never been clearer they are not America's ally. They just expect America to always be there for them and not only do nothing in return for America, but now they are actively undermining our international relationships and more election interference than China, Russia, and Iran combined (and I constantly roast them about it too). It has forever changed my perception of Israel.
Good. Fucking bastards go back to your own country
A loser like him won't even have a grave. Just thrown away like garbage
Very legit sources. Everyone I know goes to prolewiki and johnmenadue.com lol
Is there one guy in Newcastle who is so bad at shutting up that you just assume a story from anywhere in the world is probably about him? Lol
They are both horrible war crimes and should be treated as such.
People understand the importance of the Malacca straight, Taiwan, and the various islands in that region. It's the same reason Japan rapidly expanded into that region during WW2, bringing unimaginable suffering to the people in that region.
Maybe you aren't making this point, and sorry if you aren't, but that strategic interest does not give China the right to illegally sieze territory to suit itself. That is imperaliam. That is what Russia is doing in Ukraine and it is absolutely wrong.
Why does China not try to make allies in the region
You tell me, was it people suing companies or companies suing people?
Is a company claiming it should be able to have free access to content or a person?
What are you talking about? Religion is huge in prisons
What would he do?