Actually rational take?? Holy hell

thank mr skeltal

The country, meanwhile, is the uncanniest Mr. incredible, but instead of black and white, it's orange and white (We love Fidesz)

This is flipping amazing. UX beats big corps hands down, recommendations are greatly innovative. One little thing: can we have a back button? It's a bit clunky when I have to go to the top of my browser every time I go back from a post. Other than that, it looks great!

A web app is just a fancy name for a dynamic web page. Change my mind.


Ferris Wheel Press – the Carousel in Fine (0,7, which should coubt as a medium), with J Herbin scented Bleu plénitude ink.

Here's the way: look at the little "crack" on the middle of the plug on one side (the vast vast vast majority have one) – that should be facing down. I haven't used a vertical plug in a while but I think it faces left there.

For the forsaken anguish of God, microUSB, it's reversed, so crack up.


Even more impressive because of it's unholy pronunciation, the Hungarian „longest” word: ’megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért’


So I browsed around on my "local" (not really lol) stationery store thing, and there's this ONLINE Vision Classic, which seems to be quite good judging by what they say about it online. Does anyone have any experience with those?

How scratchy (unsmooth?) is a Lamy EF?


First fountain pen of my life. Parker Vector with "Medium" nib. I've already had it for two weeks, and although this was only meant to try out fountain pens, I think I'll keep it, since the nib is a great compromise between being smooth while not being fussy with office paper. Already chewed through a cartridge. Only bad thing with the pen is that the grip is a little meh – my fingers don't really like it.

My next will probably be a Lamy (mostly Safari). Any recommendations for the nib size so it fits my criteria?

Well first a new voting system would be required because Orbán, after winning in an unproportional system, decided to make the system even worse. So now, even if he only gets 45-54% of the vote, the same exact 68% supermajority is guaranteed.

[-] 2 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

"The process entry point 'GetUserDefaultGeoName' was not found in the DLL "

I think the left side scale is cm over 1m, so he would be 167cm, and the right scale is just a flustercuck.

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