[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 7 points 15 hours ago

Three's Company

Pee-Wee's Playhouse

Beavis and Butt-head

[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 3 points 15 hours ago

Aww I loved scooby and the wonder years

[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

oooh I love pav bhaji! Never thought to have it for breakfast though... good idea.

[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 25 points 6 days ago

That took me a minute. I read "house speaker" as Mike Johnson.

[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 5 points 6 days ago

Yep. My parents are in their own echo chamber of Fox news and other 80-year-old racist fucks, and anything you try to say bounces off them with the basic formula you outlined. Actual external logic doesn't matter. The wild thing is how big that echo chamber has gotten.

[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago


[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

a good dropperful of liquid vitamin D is good for me once a week. make sure it's enough -- the typical recommended daily values (at least in the US) are pretty low.

[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

Yo, that girl was my scariest thing for years. Oh man.

[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

I've worn my xm3s for thousands of hours over 5+years, but have never replaced the pads. What does it do? Does it make the NR of better? Or just a comfort thing?

[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

ohhh yeah I think I remember that one too :)

[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago

Did you have the little switch screwed into the back of your set to go from "TV" to "GAME" ?

also, I came here to post "Atari 2600" but I'll leave it in this comment instead :P

[-] KammicRelief@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I don't reply a lot, but your comment hits home for me, so: That's a bummer. No, Buddhism doesn't have to do that, but there are a lot of ways to do buddhism, many branches/sects, a lot of people doing it wrong, overdoing it, doing it as obsessively as they did guitar etc. (raises hand).. It's sad that it's hard to find good role models in buddhism in the west, so we're stuck sometimes trying to weed out the good/pure from the narcissistic youtubers. But as a fellow introvert who has done and still does a lot of things obsessively (including guitar, cycling, third wave coffee brewing/roasting, and meditation), my feel is: buddhism doesn't require you to give up those things. It changes your clingy relationship to them, which may decrease your interest... for example, I realized I don't want to be a rockstar, which was this big painful want for me (I had to practice every day and GET GOOD and find a band or else), and that changed my relationship with guitar. I still absolutely love playing, and practicing, but it's a more relaxed love, not this painful drive to get this "thing." You start to see the dreamlike quality of the "fictional" life you're living, that it's made up of concepts that we project from our own minds. But: you still want it to be a good dream, so you still do fun stuff! I love my friends and family, love jamming with my buds, love riding outside.. but I'm able to see a little better now (than say 10 years ago) when that painful craving kicks in.. so, same stuff, different relationship. More relaxed. At its best, more like a lucid dream than an anxiety dream.

However, at various points on my journey I've been accused by those close to me (well, my partner) of getting too into it. There may have been times where I was gung ho about meditating, and could've been ready to throw away old hobbies in the name of "spirituality.". so I get that.. To answer your question, I don't think buddhism makes you a zombie who finds everything meh because it doesn't matter. If you're trying too hard, you might unnecessarily eschew parts of your former life, but that's not necessary for the path (unless you're doing the whole monk thing.. in which case, just go be a monk). Quite the contrary, life gets easier because you can pick up a hobby without the painful baggage of identifying with "I am this big coffee nerd now!" or whatever, and... just kinda enjoy it more. I'm not great at explaining it, I realize, hahaha. :)

I guess, feel free to PM me if you want to get more specific. I'm curious what sort of meditation your friend does. But I also don't want to intervene.. I am no expert.


Hey, what's up. I've been trying to get my phone (oneplus 8) all perfect again, after I recently decided not to use fingerprint security anymore. I now use a password, which feels right, but when I'm just sitting at my desk it feels like overkill to have to retype it so many times when I'm just checking little things. So.. I'm trying one of those pretend-screen-off apps (Blackr) with which I can "turn off" the screen with a quick press, for the times when I want my screen off, but don't need full security (like, I'm not leaving my desk, cops aren't breaking down my door, etc.). Then I just double-tap the screen to turn the screen back on. If I want security, I use the actual power button to turn the screen off, and then when I open it back up it asks for my password as usual.

Anyway! I've been trying this for a day or so, and.. it just seems like my battery is draining faster. I think. Is it? I can't be sure, and I know the answer is to do some rigorous scientific testing, but I ain't got time... I knew someone(s) out here has been through the same thing and has the answer, so... anybody know? :)

Thank you!!


Hi! My less-than-10-year-old has their own iPad (registered under my apple id) and wants to be able to "text" with the rest of the family. Most of us are not Apple people though: Android phones, using some combo of SMS, Discord, and Signal. The little one doesn't have a phone, so I think that prevents us from signing them up for Signal. I could probably install Discord on the iPad, though it doesn't feel ideal. They use iMessage (or whatever it's called) to text a couple other friends/grandma/etc who also have Apple stuff, but what should we use for our mostly-non-Apple family that wouldn't require a phone number?

An internet search pointed me to WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber.... stuff I've never used but it seems popular. Facebook Messenger also, but screw that. Google Chat/Hangouts (or whatever it's called now) is another option, which would require creating a google account.

If nothing else appeals to me we'll probably go the Discord route, and I'll just have to be clear, don't join random servers :) But, anybody out there use WhatsApp with your kid, and does it not require a phone number? I'm open to other ideas! Thank you...


We just installed a reverse osmosis (RO) filter system at our house, because the tap water tastes gross. I tested the TDS and it was 3ppm! I thought "oh that must be great, pure water," but my friend told me you actually want minerals in there to help extract.

So... Anyone else in this boat? I know there are RO systems that will remineralize after the filter, but ours doesn't.. And I don't think I want to uninstall this beast. I know there are little drops you can add, but they seem expensive... Just wondering what y'all other home brewers do. Thanks!

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