[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 10 points 1 week ago

Is insulting an investment and real estate fair illegal in France? Like the cops aren't even pretending they did this for a credible crime!

ACAB in every country man.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 8 points 1 week ago

The comment about your wife is related to his comments about you beating him and breaking his arm. He's decided you're abusive and are part of the reason his childhood was so messed up. It probably helps him cope with a few things. For example he doesn't feel guilty when he abuses you or your mom's hospitality or generosity because you owe him. Anyways he decided that you're abusive and so you probably beat up your wife worse than he does. It's self protective, if you're worse than him (he assaulted his wife and you kill yours) then he can still be a good guy in his own mind by comparison.

He sounds pretty fucked up honestly, and his coping mechanisms are maladaptive. If you want to help him, reach out occasionally to let him know you're there. Don't give him money or things or a place to stay. He doesn't see you as a role model, he sees you as someone who owes him Infinity for what you've done, meaning he can abuse you in significant ways and it's all fair in his mind. You owe him for what you did.

If he ever realises that he's the problem in his life, and that to make his life better he needs to BE better, only then can you help him.

You can't help someone be better if they don't want to be better.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 week ago

I think it's desktop only, but I rarely use the mobile brave app.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 2 points 1 week ago

Yeah 0- 49% is an F 50-59 is a D 60-69 is a C 70-79 is a B 80-89 is an A 90-100 is an A+

It means that 10-20% of exams and assignments can be used to really challenge students without unfairly affecting grades of those who meet curriculum expectations.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 weeks ago

If you miss key information the summary is useless.

If the structure of the code is bad then using that boilerplate will harm your ability to maintain the code FOREVER.

There are use cases for it, but it has to be used by someone who understands the task and knows the outcome they're looking for. It can't replace any measure of skill just yet, but it behaves as if it can which is hazardous.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 5 points 2 weeks ago

47% is a fail. 81% is an A-... Sure the AI can fail faster than a human can succeed, but I can fail to run a marathon faster than an athlete can succeed.

I guess by the standards we use to judge AI I'm a marathon runner!

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 13 points 2 weeks ago

Not even that complex anymore, just download brave and "open private window with tor". Then go to the website and download the data.

Downloading a "tor browser" always sound more "hacker" than it is these days.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 9 points 2 weeks ago

Our communities are setup like that. We're separated from eachother, and we can't afford to spend enough time at local third places to feel community. Church also used to be central to community and most people aren't religious, but nothing has replaced the churches role in community building.

It's rough. If you can get out to places nearby where people congregate that will be nice. Getting a dog is nice too if you like dogs, they give you love and accept your love and they're a good ice breaker. They also force you out regularly. You can take the dog to dog parks and chat with locals.

It's not your fault. Humans are a social animal and we built cities and an economy that didn't consider that.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 3 points 2 weeks ago

If only we had people who could investigate and warn us of risks to public safety before they happen..... They surely would have spotted this right wing threat coming.... Oh wait....

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 7 points 2 weeks ago

They JUST had a fucking right wing literal RACE RIOT .... Threat minimal?? The Palestinian protests are worse?? The police have lost their goddamned minds!

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca -3 points 2 weeks ago


I think cats will be even more on the side of real food in the real food vs salad debacle, animal edition ™.

[-] Hacksaw@lemmy.ca 9 points 2 weeks ago

We've got that sweet sweet massive liver. We can eat whatever!

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