Now, I'm not a violent person but I believe that these nerds should be crammed into lockers until dead
Yeah, nothing to write home about unfortunately
Yeah, the series took a big dive with Youngblood
In design and in story
They also baited me with being able to kill a lot of Klansmen and then they didn't let us do that
It's just funny because J has that big impassioned speech in the first game about how the USA was the Nazis before the Nazis
Then New Colossus happens and it's like "Noo, the USA is actually special and even though they were fine with bringing back chattel slavery, they're ready to kill Nazis they just need to see us kill Nazis on TV"
Nah, it's all about killing Nazis
It's a bit of a shame because The New Colossus both has worse level design and gets more Lib with the USA being the first place to successfully have a mass uprising against the Nazis
Three flavors of short folk (Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes), nowhere near enough weird stuff
No giant spiders that communicate with tapestries, no manifestations of the plane of order presenting themselves as organic plant-based machines, no children irreparably changed because their parents survived an encounter with beings beyond their comprehension
We get ripped off, for sure