That could solve a lot of my problems.

The "I don't care if you go broke, give me what I want" stance I'm seeing online seems short-sighted at best and narcissistic at worst.

By Grabthor’s hammer, I have to agree.


That sounds promising, thanks! You say LAN, but I can share this with people over the internet too, right?

[-] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I don’t know what kind of authentication it uses, but it dots appear to be susceptible to brute force

But if I add a reverse proxy I would need it to just affect that one service/port. I’m running a publicly facing static (amateur/hobby) website - and other services - from there too and I’d prefer it to remain public.

Thanks again! Do I understand right that once I:

  1. Run tail scale on each machine
  2. Register those with my account

The machines will be able to see each other, but the machines can not be seen outside of the network of those machines?

Also, my Raspberry Pi is hosting some other publicly exposed services that need to remain that way. Will tail scale take over those too?

I found a nice overview video here for anyone who might want it:

Thanks. I really appreciate the insight. I’ll start learning about tailscale as a priority.

They do. The issue is that I already have a static site. I don't want Jekyll or Hugo to overwrite those. I suppose I can choose which sections I push to Gitlab Pages. Maybe one of those would work in that case.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by to c/

I exported a Wordpress site as a static site and have been hosting that on Gitlab. I'd like to start updating the blog again and I'm wondering how to go about it.

For the blog, I've been adding/coding the entries manually, which I still prefer to using Wordpress. Now I have someone who needs to take over the blog and I need something more simple for them.

I've looked into DropInBlog ( ) but it's way beyond our budget, so I've been thinking to either:

  • Give them git access and let them add a text file and image to a special directory when they want to post. Then I can have a script run a few times per hour which converts that into a blog post. I'd also need to update the blog index with my own code.

  • Let them use something RSS based with a nice interface and scrape that to generate the blog. Mastodon is one option, as is Wordpress. Ideally the blog they maintain would not be accessible to others on the web though. I don't want to split our SEO presence.

Does anyone have a better suggestion? The website doesn't use a framework like Jekyll or any of those. It's just HTML, CSS and JS.

It is plain HTTP. There's a username and password needed to log in and access the music, though if that helps?

Thanks for that. I'll look into tail scale (since you mentioned the magic word, 'simplicity'). My domain doesn't have any links to the pages on my server, and Navidrome is username and password protected. Would that be safe enough? I am using unencrypted http, though.

Thanks. I’m happy enough with Navidrome but if I can try ASA in parallel I might give it a try sometime.

I really like the turntable effect in the Navidrome web app, though :)

Thanks for clarifying. I might be sent to uninstall that other package in that case. It’s all working nicely anyway. Appreciate it, thanks again for your help!

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by to c/

I've tried a few options over the years, including SMB and NFS, XBMC as well as HTML with javascript I found online.

I don't have a large collection of music (fewer than 100 albums), so hand coding things was actually one of the quicker options to setup. That's despite then hassle of hand coding the URL to each FLAC file as well as the album art. But sometimes the javascript doesn't handle large collections of FLAC and each implementation I tried had different quirks so I've sunk a lot of time into that in other ways without a satisfactory result.

I've heard of Emby, Jellyfin, Plex, Roon and Servio. I just need something that's simple to set up and access. I don't need fancy features beyond the ability to play the music with a pleasant UI that can be accessed from the web (HTTP, not HTTPS). I'd be running this from a Raspberry Pi 3B which already has the lighttpd server running.

I'm also considering just getting a portable, 128GB FLAC player with a minijack connection and moving on with my life without getting involved in networking at all.

Any recommendations for an uncomplicated way to approach to doing this?

Edit: Thanks so much for the helpful and enthusiastic comments! I tried Navidrome and had it up and running in ten minutes thanks to this tutorial video:

I had to install docker-compose on the RPi. Then I got an error which turned out to be because I also needed a separate docker daemon which I installed following these instructions:

In just 10+ minutes I had my music collection accessible from all my devices - thanks again!


I’m interested in different perspectives so I’d like to avoid USA, GB etc.


I’m interested in helping friends tell the difference between fact and fiction, truth and hearsay and general stuff like that that gives peace of mind that they can defend themselves from gaslighting, makes life easier to live, and harder to be taken advantage of by propaganda. Just a few examples.

Bonus points if it’s free. I see one on coursera that runs for four hours per week for several months which works out at roughly over €100


I’ve just rewatched Prometheus and at the end the lead character has said “I don't want go to back to where we came from. I want to go where they came from.” Herself and David then take off.

In the follow up movie (Covenant), they end up in another uninhabited place. I can barely remember the movie but was so disappointed by this given I had even expecting something different since 2012 😂

I don’t plan on rewatching Covenant. Can anyone explain that apparent disconnect I have?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Upvote the relevant comment.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

I'm used to seeing articles about AI being used for either highly scientific uses or for generating semi-entertaining nonsense. For a personal business involving managing appointments, documenting meetings, tracking payments etc, can AI help with any of that? Other things include undertaking CPD training, occasional advertising as well as maintaining a website from time-to-time.

The people I know who don't think AI has any use for them belong in this category and work in the area of mental health, yoga teaching / training, nursing and massage therapy.


I’m open to both online services as well as self hosting. But I’d like it to be low-maintenance.

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