[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I am a "regular" flyer and a stoner and I never fail to bring with me a sample of devil's lettuce when I'm leaving for extended period of time and never once I've had any issue bringing my hazardous material with me.

One time I even embarked with a small firework in my wallet I forgot I placed there after a party and none bat an eye.

Security level: top (not gun)

[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 10 points 7 months ago

The best steps would be the ones taking them to the guillotine

[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 11 points 9 months ago

Content moderation is gonna be tough, especially when advertising for absolute freedom of speech. It's possible trolls will ruin the environment in a very short time if moderation and its rules wouldn't be very clear and applied when necessary

[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago

First of all, gun laws have been more or less the same for the past 100 years in the U.S., so how can they be the cause of the recent rise in mass shootings? Simple answer: they’re not.

But they are, would your laws be stricter the appearance of these mass shootings would drop significantly since they perpetrators would have to go through a much mor rigorous screening process before being allowed near a firearm. The copycats and emulators are able to repeat these crimes ALSO because they have easy access to firearms, don't act like this wouldn't be a root cause for the mass shooting problem

Secondly, mass shootings make up a tiny fraction of gun violence; the fact that so many White liberals harp on mass shootings really just shows that they only really care about the gun violence that threatens to affect them and their kids. If they were serious about curbing gun violence, their focus wouldn’t be on mass shootings so much as smaller-scale gun crime

Those who commit small-scale gun crime use the same laws in place for mass-shooters and everybody else to access firearms used in their crimes

Third, many liberals are openly willing to kill a hobby that most gun owners enjoy without harming anyone, because they personally find said hobby unsightly and stupidly think they can stop gun violence in the U.S. by getting rid of gun stores—because that’s always put a stop to gun violence in other countries wherein it’s illegal to buy/sell guns (/s).

The Australian experience after the mass shooting in Port Arthur at the end of the 90ies tell a different story and it shows that guns buyback/confiscation can and will reduce crime committed by guns

I personally want to see many improvements to our gun laws in the U.S., such as more stringent background checks, laws against people with histories of serious psychiatric illness having access, laws against people with violent criminal histories having access, etc, but getting rid of all guns? No, total overkill, and such hardline, unreasonable stances are costing Democrats much-needed votes and ironically helping right-wing Nazis get closer to taking over the country. These views make no fucking sense when you scrutinize them and are clearly fueled by emotion rather than logic.

Tell that to the republicans, who see any intervention on the existing gun laws as an attack to the second amendment. More background checks? No thanks. Red flag laws? No thanks. Limiting firearms possession to those convicted of violent crimes? No thanks.

Who is the party operating according to feeling and who is the one operating according to common sense and logic? Let me give you a hint, it's not the blue one who is using scare tactics to keep everything as it is

[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

Money corrupt anything that wants to be corrupted. Having principles should avoid this corruption but, evidently, Tools have decided they don't have principles to care about.

And mind you, it was a free and informed decision for them. I cannot fathom anyone forcing a band like them with their reach and love from their fanbase to do anything they wouldn't be willing to do themselves in the first place

[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

I'm really sorry to bother but the link provided does not work for me, I also tried to use the way back machine but it seems no one has saved a clear copy of the page so far... Have you another link to a non-paywalled version of the article to share by chance? Thank you for your help in any case!!

[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I do like their music and I enjoy listening to most of their albums, from a musical technique point of view there is literally nothing bad to say about the band.

But, recently, I found out that, in order to be able to see them live, one has to be subscribed to their on line fan service which gives access to the pre-order of their live events tickets even before they hit the normal sale channels. Given their fame it's already hard to be able to find a ticket to one of their live shows, which are also already quite expensive themselves. If we count the cost of the subscription to their fanclub (50$/year) it seems like they don't care about their less wealthy fans.

This has changed my perspective on the band and its message: before making this discovery I always saw Tools as a group focused on the enrichment of individuals through art and self-improvement. Now I see them as the guys who speak nice words but then act in a complete opposite way for their own benefit, because walking the way they talk about it's too much of an hassle for themselves.

In conclusion I've decided to avoid going to their live concerts and to only listen to their music via open platforms such as YouTube.

Money are not needed for spiritual awakening so I'm sure they won't be bothered by missing my money from their cachets

[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago

Absolutely. Poverty comes never alone, it usually brings other friends to the party. Like poor education, lack of security, stress, poor nurishment and poor social environment. All this together can easily bring out the worst of people, while the contrary can improve their conditions.

If you are focused on surviving you'll never be able to grow as we are all supposed to

[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Because the movie does not hint at eugenetics as solution to the crisis, it's a hymn against stupidity and a cry to better educate the masses. First of all about sexual education and the danger of unprotected sex and secondly about politics and civic duties. I mean, I really don't see how one could interpret the message of the movie as "do eugenetics", that's all.

[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

That's not true at all, genetics only play a part in the mental development of a person, much of it is instead related to the environment where a person has been growing.

It is as with talent, some people are better than other at certain activities but even the most gifted person cannot compete with a professional who has spent his life training and studying his craft.

The same can be said for "intelligence": if you are never taught to think you'll never think once in your lifetime, even if you are the exact copy of Leonardo da Vinci; on the other hand, even if you are thick as a rock but you've been growing in a society focused on your development you'll be able to become a normal person.

Eugenetic politics do nothing for humanity betterment, social structure is much more important IMHO

[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Here in Italy the first one to learn and adapt is always the mafia. The state is so clunky and unnecessarily complicated that it takes ages for it to change and adapt its ways, once this happens the mafia has already changed and transformed to keep away from the law enforcement hands as much as possible.

Nowadays mafiosi do not go around in poor clothing with weapons on them, the wear nice suits and briefcases filled with documents to keep on their shady businesses as they did from the Borbonic times

[-] FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah, I know, but even his story is far from being over. He might be dead but his clan and his way if conducting business are certainly not over: assuming the opposite is exactly what mafia would like us to know since it requires ignorance from both the people and the state to thrive at the best of its abilities.

Cave semper canem when talking about mafia and choose your words carefully as they are vmmasters if trickery and deception on top of being horrible human beings (if such kind of animals can be even called "humans" at this point).

Peppino Impastato forever an hero, Messina Denaro forever a shitstain on the heel of the Italian boot

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