I wanted to share the story of my life. Mental health and growth. This touches on subjects such as Autism, BPD, Bipolar, DID and Psychopathy.

[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

I would not just say unethical. You have to consider multiple facets and situations. While yes it may not be best. Sometimes they have to feed children or otherwise. To put it simply most things aren’t black and white.

[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago

Just wanted to add something. Lying for Financial gain isn’t illegal it’s how you do it. Like people lie for Financial gain all the time.

[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I appreciate your concern, but I'm confident in my perception and experiences. I understand that my situation might seem unusual, but my observations are consistent and real to me. If there's a discrepancy in perception, it might be related to unique sensory or physiological aspects rather than hallucination. If needed, I can seek professional evaluation to ensure everything is aligned with my overall health.

And I have been.

[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world 0 points 3 weeks ago

Could you possibly explain how I’d be seeing that without seeing it. Without using things like psychosis and schizophrenia as that’s already been checked and disproven. Many times.. 😂

[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world 0 points 3 weeks ago

Well that’s the issue I see colour on trees and stuff around but the sky is grey and clouds white.

[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world -5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I am doing a systemic experimentation since day one lol I’m between step 3&4&5

Then once they finish I can fully create step 6&7

But ykkk most ppl won’t even engage

[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world -3 points 3 weeks ago

An inherit bias because I can describe my own body? Otherwise I’m just going with whatever comes.

[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

I mean you do realize the moon reflects some light? Though I’m not; I can see how that may break your idea of reality. Also there’s different light spectrums? You sure I’m not seeing a different spectrum.

[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world -1 points 3 weeks ago

Uhhhh science, any system of knowledge that is concerned with the physical world and its phenomena and that entails unbiased observations and systematic experimentation. In general, a science involves a pursuit of knowledge covering general truths or the operations of fundamental laws.

Yeah I was almost certain that wasn’t the definition but here!


[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world -2 points 3 weeks ago

That’s the thing I for sure am… Yesterday when I took this video that’s published here. I could clearly see the colour on the wall and even see and say how many tapestries are in storage or me describing the colour and pattern on blanket. Wait you should already know this because it was in the video. Though I will 100% bet you. You are unwilling to even hear.

[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world -2 points 3 weeks ago

I understand your perspective on night vision being related to psychology. However, night vision involves both biological and psychological aspects. Biologically, night vision relies on the function of the eyes, specifically the rod cells in the retina that detect low light levels. This physiological process is a key part of biology. On the other hand, how we perceive and interpret what we see in low light conditions involves cognitive processes, which is where psychology comes in. So, while the biological mechanisms are crucial for night vision, the way we experience and understand it also involves psychological factors.

[-] DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world -3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I appreciate your input. To clarify, my perception of the night sky is light grey. I'm open to discussing the science behind these observations, but let's keep the conversation respectful and focused. If there's a specific point you'd like to discuss, I'm happy to engage with that.


cmgvd3lw@discuss.tch You asked me to record it! It was for sure my perception.


It's amazing to feel the different air currents moving across my body. I can sense the air breaking on my nose, swirling around my neck, then flowing down my back, tracing along the edges of my spine. I can even feel it gliding over my arms, each movement distinct and alive. Does anyone else have this happen exactly? This is brand new and just started happening.


Currently, I'm living in the upper half of Indiana, and I’ve noticed something strange happening at night. The past two nights, there’s been this almost unnatural brightness around 7 PM and later. The sky is clearly defined, almost grey, while the clouds are still pure white. Even in the darkness, I can see the ground and trees with remarkable clarity, almost like I’ve gained some form of night vision. The light feels different, and it hasn’t negatively affected my sleep, but it’s a bit eerie.

Now, I know this might sound far-fetched to some people, but I’m going through a physical transformation, specifically involving the growth of wings. What I’ve been using to power these growths might not yet be supported by mainstream science or fully understood by magic, but what’s happening feels real and aligns with the closest concepts I can find. This could involve some form of enhanced senses or perception shifts due to the growth process itself.

So, my question is: If someone were experiencing physical changes like this—say, wings or other hybrid traits—how might these manifest physically or even biologically? Could there be an explanation for heightened perception or changes in the way I see light and color during this process? Is it possible this brightening I’m seeing is connected to those changes in my body?

I know it might sound unusual, but I’m genuinely curious about any thoughts or scientific theories on this. Thanks!


I'm not sure if I'm using the right terminology, but how can I detach without losing any love? I find myself needing people so much that it deeply affects my mental state, which is closer to BPD.

I've made significant progress since last year. I'm pleased to say that I've learned to control my thoughts and actions. I'm still working on it, but I'm getting there. For instance, I have experienced instances where I have felt a rage episode or lost in a trance-like state. I have experienced some intense self-destructive thoughts and behaviors in the past, but I have always been able to recognize them as such and choose not to act on them.

I would like to learn how to be less dependent on others, or at least to be less affected by it, so that it doesn't have a negative impact on my mental health or those close to me.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world to c/mentalhealth@lemmy.world

Hello, so I am someone who meets facet 2&3 of the psychopathic spectrum and my psychiatrist at least agreed I’m ether a psychopath or have heavy ASPD. Though we were never able to get far due to insurance issues though I have done extensive research with college professors and learning from specialized psychiatrist. Now please before you keep on reading understand this will get rather gruesome so if you wish to click away. I’d do so now.

So the first signs I remember as a child that should’ve thrown red flags across the board for my parents was I would step and kill birds to watch their life drain from their eyes. This includes the sound of death and blood would sexually arouse me at 4 years old. Moving onto 6th grade. My English teacher was afraid of me, as I would constantly talk about fire arms and killing. Moving up to recently, I seriously didn’t mean to kill the squirrel as I was just wondering what may happen. Though I microwaved a squirrel and it exploded. I told this story in my 12th grade English class.

See by that time I really stopped harming animals but I got a really psychotic moment and had that thought. I do deeply regret doing it but I still have random psychotic ideas. Like I recently found a roadkill beaver that was well preserved and decided to skin it. Then when walking back into my house with the skinning knife I had a very horrible idea to capture a bird and slit its throat just to watch its blood leak. I do have an understanding of laws and morals I taught myself/learned off a show character who honestly raised me a bit as my father was never around.

The thing is though I do feel emotion, normally I can’t at all feel happiness or very distant. Though I feel a void normally calm but when I get stressed or sad. It’s like an overwhelming sense of dread. Though the only true happiness I feel in this life is loving and caring for others or trying to protect the innocent.

Though I don’t know how to fit in, how to seem a bit more normal and I believe it’s affecting my life in general. Please any advice helps.

Addition to this: I have DID with 6 alternate personalities. One an aging younger version while the others are adults. I don’t have nearly any memory of my childhood besides psychotic things I did. I also have hallucinations when someone makes me mad of bad things happening to them which I’ve never had the intent of following them as normally they disturb me and I don’t want those things to happen. For example seeing my brother and mother’s face peal off. I also don’t feel empathy 60% of the time unless I’m romantically attracted or they’re really good people.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by DaddysLittleSlut@lemmy.world to c/business@lemmy.world

So I recently in the past 5 months bought the building of the Starbucks we owned then revamped the building and renamed it. It now is. Bigger shop, that is based of Roman architecture. For example Red drapes and beautiful walls.

Though I currently have The Nude Club, Gambling, A bar and a Café. Then finally BDSM rooms downstairs but people of course don’t need to use it. Our shop allows sex in it.

Though should I add anything else because I’m all for making extra money? So anything helps. Which to add no prostitution is happening.

Btw so it’s more clear for everyone when I say, “THOUGH SHOULD I ADD ANYTHING ELSE?” Is the question and I go onto explain, I am for making more money which is why I’m asking the question.

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