Rocket didn't die.

I'm 95% sure this one is a troll. They call themselves a boomer and then act like a petulant child. It's gotta be a bit.

If that's what you need, go for it. Maybe try to be less of a fucking asshole to random people on the internet. What's wrong with you?

Jesus fucking christ. Touch some grass, for your own sanity.

Seriously. Lighten up.

Bro it's a phone. Are you OK?

I did, and I really like it.

Imagine gatekeeping phones.

My cat might need to go back to the vet, so I'm stressing about how much that's going to cost, as his insurance has already been wiped out by this issue.

I'm not focused at work, and haven't achieved anywhere near what I should have done by this time today.

Probably because of the cat stress, to be fair.

What does moderation involve? How much time, and what sort of activities would someone be expected to perform?

You rub your head while you eat?

Lol, tell me you don't know anything about Linux without telling me you don't know anything about Linux.

Thank you so much. We've incredibly managed to raise £3,800, and Bernie is going to a specialist tomorrow. We're hoping he can have the procedure there and then, but we think they want to do some imaging first.

I just want him better and home!


This and a mastodon account are the only social media I have.

Sadly, I'm in an awful position where I have to find funds for a lifesaving procedure for my boy, or have him euthanized.

Of course I'm doing what I think is best, and have a fundraiser on GoFundMe.

Is there somewhere that this would be best posted, to get visibility and potentially help? We're at our wit's end.


Not pointing any fingers, but I've been told I'm 'begging' by sharing a fundraising page, asking for help.

Is there somewhere appropriate for such a post?

I've searched high and low, eventually opting for communities where it (to me) made sense to post.


fundraising page here

Never thought I'd find myself in this position, but here I am.

Late one night last week, Bernie really wasn't himself and we felt a mass in his belly. We called an advice line and were told it was an emergency situation, and that we needed to get him to an out of hours vet immediately.

Once he was checked, we learned he was suffering from something called idiopathic feline lower urinary tract disease, meaning his urethra is constricting and not allowing him to pass urine.

He has had 3 catheters, and is still unable to urinate. A fourth catheter has been inserted today, until he can (hopefully) have surgery on Monday.

The only option now to avoid losing him, is a procedure called perennial urethrostomy, to create a new opening in his urethra, so that he can urinate.

Unfortunately the care he has already received over the past week has taken us up to the limit of his insurance cover, and we have been quoted £6,500 for the procedure.

We are of course working to raise the funds ourselves, but the avenues we're exploring aren't guaranteed and if approved, are likely to take some time to get to us.

This is a living nightmare for us, so I'm throwing myself at the aid of the internet.

Even if all you can do is share the GoFundMe link where you think it may be seen by someone who can help, we would all be so grateful.

fundraising page here

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joined 1 year ago