[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 14 points 11 hours ago

I had a partner once who sat straight up in bed and announced, "Somesone else is in here." They then promptly fell back asleep...me, not so much...

[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 14 points 3 days ago

Most of Gen Zs slang makes sense and you can easily figure it out from context. It even sounds better than older slang in conversation. Skibidi is an exception. W.T.F is that supposed to mean? Is it a verb? An adjective? Both? It sounds dumb and seems to mean nothing...

[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 6 points 3 weeks ago

So similar stuff has happened throughout history with the coming of more advanced technology. There use to be entire rooms of secretaries in order to do clerical work that has been replaced by Microsoft Office Suite. Their replacement by technology did not cause a total collapse of society so I don't see why this would?

It might make the world worse and drive down the standard of living for many but a total upheaval? If humans made it through the industrial age we'll likely make it through the second technology age too. We won't be unscathed but mankind survived the invention of the computer which was probably equally (or maybe more) disruptive.

[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

It's not the job of women to put themselves in potentially dangerous situations for the betterment of men. Women not wanting to be easily assaulted is "hurting men" is a disgusting take and says some truly awful things about you.

[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago

Didn't Sparta have a similar belief as far as honoring women who died in childbirth equally to men who died in battle?

[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 0 points 1 month ago

If you think the 19 year old having sex repeadly with a 13 year old is a "non rapist" then that says a lot about you and none of it good.

[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

What point am I misunderstanding? You claimed double jeopardy applies. It does not. Not representing your country in the Olympics does not count as an official punishment for the same act.

[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 13 points 1 month ago

That's not how double Double Jeopardy works (Netherlands also has a different name for it). It prevents you from being tried twice for a crime for which you've been acquitted/convicted. It does not prevent a country from refusing to have you represent them on the world stage.

[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

In some states it's illegal and in some others just highly discouraged to tip your realtor. A top to your mortgage loan officer would probably look like a bribe. Not sure outside the US though.

[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 1 points 2 months ago

The background companies we go through here in the US aren't "random people" and you sign a release of that information for them when they start that background check. So you've given them permission to access that info on you. I don't know what HRs your dealing with but if it's random hiring managers asking you then they have no idea what's in a typical background check anyway.

[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 5 points 2 months ago

If the rumor that he's on so much medication he's shitting himself is true then it seems likely he can't get it up either.

[-] BottleOfAlkahest@lemmy.world 14 points 2 months ago

Most big background check service companies are checking your criminal history directly with the court houses of where you've told them you've lived. Many will also verify your past employment directly with those companies as well. Depending on the company/job title they may also be checking your credit score/bankruptcy history or verifying degrees with universities as well. They don't care about what data brokers have on you because they're getting verification on things directly from official sources.

I don't know if you're worried that your too "locked down" privacy wise for a background check to clear? I wouldn't worry because if you're using your countries equivalent of a SSN and living "on the grid" but not online at all they'll still be able to get the info they need/want anyway. I've had employees who didn't even have emails or own phones/computers clear background.

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