Who cares. Stop drinking soda that shit is awful for you.
If you’re dumb enough to consume this shit all the time then you’re exactly the one who is being fooled at the same time.
Who cares. Stop drinking soda that shit is awful for you.
If you’re dumb enough to consume this shit all the time then you’re exactly the one who is being fooled at the same time.
I haven't bought any American brands for the past few weeks. Surprise surprise, my intake of soda and candy and unhealthy stuff has fallen like a stone.
If you really have to drink it, drink the zero versions of most sodas. Dr Pepper in particular has some really decent flavors without the gross aftertaste. Pepsi zero is also really good. Just stop drinking regular soda. We have the technology to make diet taste good now so use it.
You're only a victim if you get victimized. Stop buying from companies that do this shit.
Weird what happens when 40% of the currency was printed in the last few years.
Are we blaming the government who control interest rates, gamify the CPI to depress inflation, and who control the corresponding new money supply that drives up the price of basic goods?
If housing, gold, and crypto are any indication people have far too much money than they know what to do with. You'd have to be a fool to not accumulate some cantillon effect for yourself when you're government is throwing money away.
This is a terrible meme
It has two red circles and bottom text, of course it's a meme /s
I’m sorry, did you just… oh lol never mind. I’m going to harvest this whoosh for wind power.
See it was a joke because it was all broken English.
Hope this helps