Prices go up up up Never come back down down down
The invisible hand job economy
Prices go up up up Never come back down down down
The invisible hand job economy
when they do go down economist scream that its the worst thing to ever happen (deflation)
I mean it sucks and I drink coke (it's my mix for booze) but it's a welcome change (price increase). Soda pop should not be drunk as frequently as it is by people and anything to make it less common is a welcome change IMHO. If becoming more cost prohibitive to people makes them drink it less that's not a bad thing
Now the challenge becomes, because America is becoming a 3rd world shithole it's possible that coke is the only safe drink because thanks to the EPA being gutted over decades water isn't safe in many areas due to contamination. That's not cool.
Not only do they cost more, the greater surface area means your cold drink warms up faster.
Greater surface area also means more material for the same product, which leads to less effective transport, more waste and increased polution. Non-standarized can size means every can storage system and cup holder which have taken can size into consideration will be worse. I'm sure a lot of vending machines will have to be modified or scrapped for this can design.
Everyone are worse off because of this, and it's all for attempting to trick consumers and increase profits. Shit sucks.
Is this a new thing in the US? We've had these in Europe for years - and I mean 10-15 at least.
Hey we get this revolutionary super can which is supposed to keep your beer cool.
The ribs are supposed to reduce the contact area of warm fingers.
It doesn't work obviously since they aren't big enough and skin on fingers are flexible enough to touch everything.
You only pay 30 to 50% more for this nonsense.
Everyone tries to avoid them but somehow the normal cans are more than often 'sold out' in stores.
That's what you get for drinking jupiler
I only partake in the finest carapils
A man of the people
Just straight up stop buying shit. Drink filtered tap, and live off only what you need and shrug off ppl that think buying expensive shit will make them cool.
How do I fit my coke addiction in your filtered water?
A lot of the world can’t just drink tap water with a basic filter
Where is the one on the left no longer available? I live in the US and see those all the time.
People with vending machines aren't going to be happy, those new ones won't fit.
As a consumer you should have thought about the consequences of your habits. Because of you they now have to replace all the vendig machines.
Its the consumers fault. Companies have absolutely no responsibility.
Huge /S if there ever was any doubt.
Good enough reason to boycott coke products, anyway.
The funding of Death Squads in Colombia is a better reason IMO but this works too, haha