Cool, and if anyone wanted to dive into the cuttlefish rabbit hole, er, den, 10/10 would recommend any reading or documentary about them. Astonishing visual communication and camouflage, curiosity, problem solving, and more weird biology.

[-] 27 points 2 days ago

NOT FISH despite the name. Cephalopods are molluscs like snails! They are pretty smart and can have somewhat elaborate mating routines, and most species are somewhat careful about sperm sac delivery AFAIK. Lonely prisoners are not good behaviour models.

[-] 4 points 1 week ago

Because I can dictate instantly into the Reminders app, without even unlocking my phone, it leaps over executive disfunction issues quite often.

Hold the power button for 2 seconds and say "add oatmeal and blueberries and coffee to the Groceries list" then go back to my task.

When I get to the store the list is grouped by type, mostly.

Or I say "remind me to call the doctor's office at 9AM tomorrow" and it goes into the default list and the task notifies me at the right time. For the stuff I inevitably brush off, there's a widget on my home screen that nags me so I can nurture my guilt lol.

So, I am leaning heavily into Apple's built in ecosystem for keeping track of things (more private, in theory, as well). I have a about a dozen lists that I add to verbally. Some of those lists are geographically activated so I get notifications when I drive into town that I need to pick up a package, etc.

[-] 3 points 2 weeks ago

'Woman on the Edge of Time' by Marge Piercy is the most solarpunk novel I've read so far. Fiction, that is. And it's early '70s!

[-] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Why are you calling a polite irish male voice "she"?

[-] 1 points 3 weeks ago

So, you mean the proper response to the failure of a shitty business model is to introduce a worse business model?

[-] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Our local high school cafeteria program has been running a sophisticated version of this without the biogas element for years. Fish in very large tanks feed the leafy greens hydroponics growing in ranks of pipes on the walls, it's very productive. Greens get used in the popular cafeteria (open to the public) and also the salad food truck they run in the summer months. Fish used are tilapia. Power is solar.

The students studying food services get a lesson in energy systems and food sourcing as well as running a business. Superb food, too. All mostly due to one chef-teacher with vision.

[-] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Who TF subscribes to the Star?!

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

I used to own a W124 series Benz (bought used for 5% of sticker price, I ain't no fauntelroy). Nearly everything on it was redundant or excessively skookum.

When systems that weren't as rugged started going down, like the vacuum controllers for doors or the 4matic computer etc, the car still worked safely with reduced convenience. A few minor design flaws like the wiring harness but that's it. Room to work under the hood, too.

It was built in '93 when the engineers still ran the company.

Current main driver is the super reliable '03 CRV.

[-] 6 points 1 month ago

One of our cars is a 2016 GM and I just unscrewed the cell antenna instead of ripping out the cell module. Tracking disabled, or at least unreliable. The subscription nav is useless and easy to ignore. I would like to figure out how to prevent the siriusxm ads built into the infotainment system, still.

I look forward to better infotainment hacks down the road.

[-] 1 points 1 month ago

Propaganda conflates industrialization with capitalism continually, obscuring the possibility of any other economic system.

[-] 4 points 1 month ago

It's not just medieval. Sargon of Akkad started instituting that shit millennia ago. It is embedded in the region and has infected a good chunk of the world. Islam is just one vector; ancient greeks passed the same patriarchal idea of women's behaviour determining male honour into christianity too.

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