I hope the rapture comes and takes all the good people to heaven so us evil doers can live out or lives not knowing the grace of God!
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If that happens imma stay up late and eat cookies
Just sayin. These fools are walking right into it.
If we're walking into oblivion it's because the christofascists are leading us there. It will be their self fulfilling prophecy.
There’s a conspiracy talk in local mid-eastern/muslim bubbles that Evangelicals seizing every opportunity to team up with Zionists to bring the Rapture as soon as possible.
The talk’s been around since Ottoman times so it’s easy to dismiss, but given between apathy to Israel state’s genocide and Trump’s fast start to his secondary term gives me chills no lie.
There is nothing in the IPCC reports that even come close to civilization-ending predictions from climate change.
Climate change alone might not be enough to do it, but do you honestly think we'll get through all the strife it will cause without significant nuclear weapons use?
Climate will drive crop failures, which will cause widespread food insecurity in nations with nukes. Do you really think that we're going to watch nations with nukes endure mass starvation when they could attack another nation and take it's resources?
It's not too late to re-evaluate your beliefs tbh. I don't subscribe to the same brand of Christianity as my parents or as what you see happening in the USA, but you can actually have Christ without a lot of that mad fundie stuff, and incorporate into a more rational belief system. I recommend checking out InspiringPhilosophy on YouTube, he has a pretty rational way of explaining the faith. Or I am not rational at all because I still believe in a "skyfairy" according to internet atheists. Just don't think that being a mad fundie is the only way to be a Christian or necessary to receive forgiveness from God.
I don't know why anyone needs forgiveness from god. Seems to me that god is the one who needs to be forgiven for creating all this suffering.
What suffering are you referring to?
Suffering is literally everywhere, every day. People tortured, raped, beaten, killed. Disease is rampant as always. Ostensibly, Christians believe that god created everything the way he wanted. If that’s the case, he has some fucking explaining to do.
People are tortured, raped, beaten and killed by other people. Disease is rampant in fewer places with worse medical care. Humans collectively have enough money to solve that problem but instead hoard it for themselves instead. It's us who have explaining to do to Him.
The common “internet atheist” drives me nuts. Such arrogance! Such stubbornness! I will proudly yell “I DON’T KNOW!” from the highest mountaintop, and remain open minded.
Thanks for the YouTube recommendation!
Yeah, I know agnostics exist and the common atheist who jokes about skydaddy is in a minority, thankfully
It's been the "End Times" for the last 2000 years. They were full of shit then and they're full of shit now.
Their whole death cult is predicated on the world ending in a violent fiery ocean of blood so that they, the only good people who won't be damned to a burning torturous eternal punishment, will ascend to a paradise of everlasting Jonestown. It's sheer insanity. Malicious, cruel, psychopathic insanity.
Depends who you're talking about, but not necessarily. The Christian doctrine is that nobody is righteous, and that we don't deserve to be with God because of that.
My denomination took that to it's logical conclusion, that salvation is for everyone irrespective of their religious views.
So if someone doesn't want to be with God, then they will be forced to be with Him? Does that mean Hitler is in heaven?
Pretty much, yeah.
Do you have any biblical backing for this viewpoint?
John 3:16. Salvation is by grace, not by works.
John 3:16 makes it clear that it's "whoever believes in Him"
I think it's up to interpretation. Gotta remember that the entire bible was written and compiled by men, most of whom had ulterior motives. The gospels weren't written down for hundreds of years after the events described.
So for me, I look at the events that describe Jesus' actions and words. The overarching theme with him was, fuck religion, Fuck the establishment. He also was described as a sacrificial lamb, which is what was used in the old days to atone for sins.
So if he was killed to atone for our sins, why should it matter if you believe in him or not? I really don't think Jesus or god cares if you do. If ho loves us all, as the bible says he does, then why would he damn us for simply not believing in jesus? Doesn't make sense to me.
yeah but its all going downhill because of people like them. christians are complicit in the demise of democracy.
theyre causing their own doom so they can point it out. if they didnt exist, the world would be a better place.
theres a great meme somewhere where the rapture happens and the world is an amazingly better place for it.
Self proclaimed "Christians" don't necessarily represent the true beliefs.
James 1:27
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
Lmao imagine responding to James, the brother of Jesus' letter saying "hur hurr hurr, actually, you're wrong, that's a no true scotsman fallacy ☝️🤓"
I was responding to you, dingus.
I was quoting James
Self proclaimed "Christians" don't necessarily represent the true beliefs.
Chapter and verse?
James 1. Sure, verse 27, but there are other verses in there.
James 1:22-23, 26-27
[22] But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. [23] For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves in a mirror; [26] If any think they are religious, and do not bridle their tongues but deceive their hearts, their religion is worthless. [27] Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
James 2:14-19, 26
[14] What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but do not have works? Can faith save you? [15] If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, [16] and one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,” and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? [17] So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. [18] But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith. [19] You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder. [26] For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead.
religion is itself a slippery slope greased with fantasy and hope created by men. when their major tomes require interpretation, any meaning useful to the con artist can be derived.
99% of different interpretations don't cause that big of a difference, though. The broad important part of the faith remains the same. Usually the divide is mainly on church governance and management, as well as ceremonies, the science of how covenants work, etc. I grew up in a Baptist church, and it was quite common to have Anglican and Presbyterian ministers preaching there. I have been to Anglican churches where Roman Catholics were preaching and ecumenical services as well. We agree on 90% of stuff.
every religion was created by man to control man. to give credence to the slippery slope of divinity is to allow the eventual removal of responsibility from human beings.
religion is a disease, even if 'mostly benign'.
That's a very shallow and uninformed view to how religions start and their origins