Try to be informed about the stuff you can have an impact on
For example on my rss feed I just wiped out most of the non EU stuff. Itโs ok to know that there are wildfires somewhere in the world but being overexposed is really just toxic
I can organize here in Italy, not even the whole of it but my region and the cities I spend time in. Itโs much better to know what my little city council is discussing about rather than any even major event but so far from me.
Unluckily, social media doesnโt help too much with curating the feeds but as others said try to work more on mutes and filters. Donโt forget that getting informed is just one tool for change, do not get too high on it :)
Edit and P.S. : itโs also much easier that on social networks driven by engagement algorithms the posts that travel the most are the ones that cause hate/rage and sex or generally emotions easier to exploit online. Newspapers themselves tend to post more negative stuff. Itโs just a human bias, take it into account and watch around yourself to find the positive stuff of life