This is like you breaking up with a toxic girlfriend and she tells you “oh yeah well other people are still gonna date me idiot!”
I’m not limiting this to work.
And of course you can have a relationship with someone remotely.
But overall, for the average person, in-person relationships are going to be stronger. Friends, family, romantic relationships, hobbies, work, you name it.
I think that any study you find over the past 30 years will show that while online relationships can be meaningful in some cases, the average person will not form as strong a connection as they would in person.
Because the #1 reason why employees will stay at a job that underpays them is because they like the people they work with. And you can’t form those bonds remotely.
Even if they do remove it, I'm sure a browser extension will just step in to mimic it as best as possible.
I don’t use Facebook so I don’t know -
Why can’t you just have a group text with your family.
The psychological ramifications of that are immense. It would destroy people. It would be no different than any other drug.
That's totally true as well.
When you’re the biggest shop in your town it’s because you do good work.
When you’re the biggest shop in the world it’s because you’re scamming your clients.