
joined 1 year ago

debian 12.9

I downloaded the .tar.gz file from github, extracted, opened a terminal, typed ./uad-ng-linux and accessed the application.

If I want to delete applications I need to review my selection, but from this window (review your selection) for whatever reason I cannot scroll down and cannot see options cancel and apply.

The whole application is so dark I cannot see the scrolling bar to the right. I only know it's there thanks to youtube.

Is it normal that the application reacts so slow? machine is a 2016 i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz.

Have I downloaded the false tar.gz? This is debian.

Terminal output after executing the application from the terminal:

[/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Unable to find extension: VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace END

[/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/] Detected skylake derivative running on mesa i915. Clears to srgb textures will use manual shader clears.

Oh, and my mouse's scroll up and down wheel doesn't work, would you know what key combination I need to use to scroll up and down?

thank you


cross-posted from:

I'm looking to install a FOSS OS on a 2022 redmi 10C 220333QNY. There are not many candidates for this model, I only found 2 unofficial ones: postmarketos and voltage-3.4-fog-20240608

I don't want to create an account with xiaomi and I would very mucy like not to install their software on my computer. I run debian 12.9.

Is this possible?


I'm looking to install a FOSS OS on a 2022 redmi 10C 220333QNY. There are not many candidates for this model, I only found 2 unofficial ones: postmarketos and voltage-3.4-fog-20240608

I don't want to create an account with xiaomi and I would very mucy like not to install their software on my computer. I run debian 12.9.

Is this possible?

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

it’s generally not that difficult to unlock your bootloader without following “official” methods

I wrote the wrong model number, right model number is 2022 redmi 10C 220333QNY, I didn't find a guide to bootload this model on xdaforums.

There's also a caveat: I'd be bootloading with debian 12.9.

Can I bootload without installing any redmi crap on my computer or creating an account with them?

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

That’s a redmi 9c if that model number is correct.

you are right, I wrote a false model number. The device is a 2022 redmi 10C 220333QNY


cross-posted from:

I've received a xiaomi phone as a present, a 2022 redmi 10c 220333QNY, but I've read in several sources that this is a brand that systematically eavesdrops everything the user does. There's also the fear they pass this information to the CCP, which, if you are a Taiwanese, Tibetan, Uighur or Hongkong democracy activist or a foreigner promoting multiparty democracy in China might be used to spy on you and incarcerate you.

Other brands, western if you want to call them that, might do the same, I don't know. That's why I ask these questions:

  • Are all phone brands the same, meaning they all eavesdrop on me and no matter what brand I use some personal information will end up in their servers?

  • If all brands are equally bad, what can a quite ignorant end user like me do to minimize the information transmitted to the manufacturer? I cannot even root this device and last time I tried getting rid of another phone's bloatware I bricked the device.

  • If some brands are better privacy wise, which ones?

  • Am I protecting my privacy if I don't use any default application and disregard any ad to use products from google and use exclusively f-droid?

I don't mind voiding the warranty and I wouldn't mind installing a FOSS OS on this redmi model, as I won't bank or pay taxes using this device, but I don't find anything that works. Suggestions welcomed.


I've received a xiaomi phone as a present, a 2022 redmi 10c 220333QNY, but I've read in several sources that this is a brand that systematically eavesdrops everything the user does. There's also the fear they pass this information to the CCP, which, if you are a Taiwanese, Tibetan, Uighur or Hongkong democracy activist or a foreigner promoting multiparty democracy in China might be used to spy on you and incarcerate you.

Other brands, western if you want to call them that, might do the same, I don't know. That's why I ask these questions:

  • Are all phone brands the same, meaning they all eavesdrop on me and no matter what brand I use some personal information will end up in their servers?

  • If all brands are equally bad, what can a quite ignorant end user like me do to minimize the information transmitted to the manufacturer? I cannot even root this device and last time I tried getting rid of another phone's bloatware I bricked the device.

  • If some brands are better privacy wise, which ones?

  • Am I protecting my privacy if I don't use any default application and disregard any ad to use products from google and use exclusively f-droid?

I don't mind voiding the warranty and I wouldn't mind installing a FOSS OS on this redmi model, as I won't bank or pay taxes using this device, but I don't find anything that works. Suggestions welcomed.


I don't understand it: an alpha male with always good lines who gets every woman he wants drives the newest and most expensive car and saves the world.

Something completely realistic, right?

It's like producers know what make men insecure and cater to this audience, but if I'm right there are several millions of men feeling like losers looking for something to compensate.

Suddenly I feel only incels watch this.

Maybe some women like these movies for some other reasons?


I'm a nurse. I recently wrote about how I've discovered this job can be enjoyable, provided ratios are respected, I don't work with gossips, micromanagers and drama queens. I also like working with doctors that explain to me how things work and as a novelty, I've started reading on my free time about diagnoses, procedures and medicines.

Option A: go to my new unit and do the same.

Option B: patient transporter. I'd earn the same, I wouldn't have any boss over me telling me what to do except if I lazy around and I wouldn't have to run as I sometimes do as a nurse. No drama of any kind (I'd be alone most of the time), ample opportunities to sit and read, drink coffee or do nothing while waiting for my next assignment, other opportunities to learn while watching procedures being done to patients.

Yes. It really is this relaxed. I shadowed already.

My old self always though a job is a job and I should aim for maximum income doing the less amount of job I can. I'm also an introvert and enjoy being alone. This second job seems to offer exactly that.

Except that I'd miss learning from the doctors that have shown an interest in teaching me and the adult nurses (the ones not acting like children, the gossips).

I really don't understand myself. I feel I'd be dumbing myself down, but otoh earn the same I do now.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

FYI, the medical community is one of the worst from the popularity contest perspective.

could you write examples of is worse here than in other industries? Are some units worse than others? Some regions worse than others?

promoting team cohesion and performance is one of our primary responsibilities, as is stepping up and leading when necessary.

are you a nurse or doctor working in a hospital?

I don't agree with your last part: it's not my fault that a unit is controlled by lazy gossips and the manager does nothing to make a more welcoming workplace for the quiet, working ones because she either is too coward to confront the lazy bullies or enjoys the attention or believes she is not going to find better employees. I do not work with people like that anymore, nor do I socialize with these kind of people, neither it's my job to promote performance and my paycheck sure reflects that. That's a manager's job.

I take this job as seriously as my coworkers. If they go smoking for an hour and let me alone to take care of the whole unit your model fails. If they spend their first 90 minutes consciously not working but gossiping and I'm the only one checking vitals and charting your model fails. If the popular and lazy ones control the narrative and paint me as the uncooperative nurse while I work and they do nothing and the manager believes them over me your model also fails. To lead up I need to see that my coworkers know their shit and that they actually do that, something I hope to find at my new unit.

This post might sound a bit abrasive, not my intention.


I changed workplaces within my hospital to a similar unit. I also tried applying to other units to see what's there but got rejected.

I quit my old unit because I didn't feel supported or respected by management there, but doctors and half of the nurses are people I can work with and are actually people that helped me become a better nurse. I'm going to miss working with most of them. I'm ready to work with them again.

Managers speak with each other, even if they publicly hate each other and 6 months ago I wasn't as good as I am today, something reflected in their internal memos. I'm on the introvert side and I'm quite sure I'm on the spectrum. I write this because a workplace is also a popularity contest and my old manager was an extrovert who always thought I didn't talk to her to spite her (I didn't talk to her because I wanted to work and she was a perpetual, boring nuisance). People forgive you if you're likable and for this manager I was not. Her favorites always got away doing less and were treated way less harshly than me.

On my last week three coworkers told me separately I'm a good nurse, which surprised me, one even suggested to go to ICU. Nobody told me that at my unit. Ever.

Shifts without management were a bliss: there was nobody there to bully or micromanage me. During these shifts I was more engaged, inquiring about medicines, diagnoses and explaining to patients what their vitals meant, what their medicines did or how they could help the patient to recover more rapidly. Most of the patients and families were not karens and were grateful. I also learned to make a quick exit with the karens.

I'm going into my new unit with this attitude: keep learning, keep asking, ignoring the nurses who try to mob or to ridicule me for asking questions, gray rocking the drama queens and gossips, always telling the charge if a nurse who's supposed to teach me lazies around and wastes my time, to establish boundaries, to stop being a doormat, to ask the doctors to keep learning.

I'm not doing this only for the money, but because I actually like knowing what medicines do, explaining patients what their EKGs mean and how the system works, even if it's broken.

I think, however, some managers will never consider me due to the internal memo this first manager wrote about me and while I have a job, the only way to access better paying positions or ICU is if a manager vouches for you and writes a better memo or even a recommendation.

That’s why I ask if managers see and value if an employee is engaged, even if he has a bad record, is an introvert, is a bit on the spectrum and doesn't want any stupid drama.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

if OP isn’t masking then neurotypicals will likely see OP as rude, cold, or robotic.

assuming that your post is in good faith, do you understand how tiring and ludicrous it is to pretend something you are not?

Should we advice gays to pretend not being gay?

It's not my fault some of my coworkers stopped growing up immediately after leaving high school. I just want to work and go home.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

And folks who are neurotypical are going to find what you said a hard pill to swallow.

why? are people really this thin skinned?

fwiw these people I described are not the doctors, but like 40% of the nurses. Doctors are not the reason I quit, but these nurses are. I'm actually gonna miss working with some nurses here, the good ones, the drama free ones.

Often in life you have to pretend to “fit in”, it’s just the price of living in a society.

does that means listening to dumb stories I don't care about? My brain starts yelling me to leave.

It would be bearable if they didn't act like children (another coworker, a neurotypical one if you like, told me that).


I've got a new job as a nurse but I'm still comparing positions, maybe something better comes along.

What I want to say to any of my potential new managers:

one of the reasons I left my old unit is how colleagues give report there: some give report about patients that are no longer there. I just don't get it. Patient is gone, it's not our problem anymore. Who cares where he is now? Give report about the patients I have to provide care to!

Some interrupt report to talk about what they did on the weekend or if the coworker only works 2 times per month, they give report about the 2 weeks they spent not working. It baffles me that they feel offended if I remind them they have to give report and can talk about their private lives when they're done. A report that should last 10 minutes lasts 40. It's tiring and I don't care about their lives.

Others, after giving report, remain in the room to loudly gossip about god knows what in the room... while another nurse tries doing her job and give report. If I remind them I cannot hear report, they feel offended. You do understand it's very difficult to get the information I need to do a good job under this circumstances.

Others interrupt their report to rant in minute detail how they transferred a very heavy patient or how they had to fixate an aggressive one. It's never a short rant, it's always a five minute one where some nurses feel they have to compete and tell an even more egregious story about other obnoxious patient. It's ridiculous. I just don't understand why they cannot move on, get to the point, give report and tell me what meds I have to give him if he has another crisis. I find this very tiring as well.

I really don't want to work with people like that. It's tiring and nursing doesn't have to be. I'd like you to pair me with the nurses who like to do their job, get to the point when they give report and go home with no drama involved. If after this conversation you feel that I'm not going to be a good match, then simply say it so, so neither of us wastes time and I keep looking for a unit with a better work culture.

To me this makes perfect sense: I tell a potential employer what I need to work better while offering him the chance to be upfront and tell me if I'm a good or a bad match.

Any drawbacks?


countries I have in mind are most of the EU, east Asian and south American multiparty democracies, our neighbors Canada and Mexico.

As I see it, these countries share with the US more than with other countries, like African, central Asian or south Asian countries, where liberal democracy and its practice only exists on paper. Up to now, we shared common values like the rule of law, free markets, freedom of the press, political liberalism, atlanticism for our security, our trust in science, institutions and facts... The US was an ally, an indispensable one you might add, even a benign one in some circles.

Now this ally has turned to a bully in an incredibly short period of time: in less than a week trump has started bullying Denmark so they sell Greenland to the US, threatened about taking the Panama channel back, also threatened most of America's trade partners with tariffs if they don't do what he wants, pausing aid to Ukraine, in effect condemning that country to be absorbed by Russia within the next 2 years, he even wants an American flag on Mars... what for?

I don't see why he thinks our trade partners wont also raise their tariffs to our stuff if we do so. What I also don't understand is why he blames the victim (Ukraine) and cozies up to putin. Not even Reagan would have done something like that.

Autocrats in the world are sure having a good time watching our disunity work to their favor.

I wonder what's going to replace the post WW2 and post cold war order, now that liberal democracy is being so successfully attacked from the maga right and people trust more what they read on their ecochamber than what centrist, established media report (I'm not saying that the Washington Post, NPR or the LA Times are neutral, but are more neutral that fox 'news' or 'news'max).


I'm a nurse and I don't do night shifts. The few times I did it I earned a 150% differential but it's not worth the money: I'd go back home and have to use noise cancelling headphones to sleep, 'cause people are loud, I'd wake up rested at 04:00 pm, but completely destroying my circadian rhythm. I'd need a whole day or 2 to recover my regular rhythm because otherwise I'd be a zombie.

I hear my coworkers who do night shift complaining about this same issue, but they still pick up night shifts, which I don't understand.

To me it was impossible to have something akin to a life while working night shift, but I've met some people that only do night shifts: the housewife that only works 4 nights shifts per month, the single mother or young wife or husband who work 14 night shifts per month and have the next 2 weeks for him/herself...

I don't understand why they do it. It's extremely taxing and not worth it imho.

But if you do, how do you have a life? And how do you keep yourself healthy?


Our protagonist is a sex crazed young man who is convinced that the only way he can have sex is if he has a car, so he goes to a dealership to try several models, only to be treated like an idiot by the dealer, who only sells him overpriced crap. At least that's what I get from the movie.

The dealer hits the same child in the head two times in the movie, both times when the dealer finds out the client is so gullible he'll pay anything for a status symbol so he can finally have sex, both times with the child's parents present.

Is this a trope in Japan? Not the buy a status symbol to have x, but hitting a child in the head.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

thank you for this great advice

[–] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

but don't you hate your life or makes it very miserable and tiring?

I mean, expecting everyone to fuck me over would make me angrier I believe, like going to work and constantly ruminate about how every coworker and client is going to ruin my day.

If you are a cynic, how do you don't ruminate?

or is cynicism more 'no expectations no disappointments'?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

You need a different manager. Distancing yourself from the one you have doesn’t sound realistic: Their job is to not be distant.

I'm lost here: what is their job?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Most of my co-workers don’t like me. My boss doesn’t even like me.

if your boss makes clear he doesn't like you, why are you still working there and why don't you have plans to quit?

I mean I don't understand why this is not a reason good enough to start looking for employment elsewhere. Don't you find it tiring? don't your coworkers and boss wear you down?

If my boss makes clear he doesn't like me it's only a matter of time before he starts treating me differently, giving me the worse assignments, refusing to acknowledge me...

This would affect me to the point of starting to hate that person.

[–] -4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I’m guessing you cursed out a coworker and not for the first time.

Not what happened.

there's a difference between cursing the poor work done by a coworker and cursing a person that was there and wasn't responsible for the dressing.

I don't understand why you choose not to see the difference.

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