I feel there's a place for the floaty generous autoaim of games like time splitters and Metroid Prime. It lets you have fast shootouts whilst focusing on exploration. I hope someone makes a game like that one day
Pseudoregalia nailed this. Every room feels great as an n64 era platformed. But if you stop and look at any of them you have to ask, 'what the fuck would this room be used for otherwise?'
Just slide down the side of the elevator, brother
A big part of the Elden Ring lore is there are aliens and I feel like people don't make a big enough deal about that
Sonic lore is wild. Chat, is this true?
No one thought America would do Operation Anchorage to themselves
I've played through it, technically twice because I got stuck at the end the first time. I just never have the hankering to play it again like I do the others.
Like, I know the early stages of the first two quakes so well and I feel like I could drop into them any time. I just never feel like playing half life 1
I didn't play the first one when it came out and feel like I kind of missed the boat on it. I grew up on Quake and Quake II and played HL2 at release so I never feel like going back to HL1 like the others
The movement and gunplay are the main parts that feel like it has aged, and not in a bad way. You move so much slower in modern games. Maybe it stands out more in the half life games because you're a quake guy in tiny realistic corridors
They better be stealing that bloodborne source code