You're not dead when you're petrified, either, which can lead to some pretty interesting exploits, rules-as-written.
Petrified creatures count as creatures, not objects, so rules-as-written you can determine if a statue is a petrified creature by trying to target it with a spell that requires a creature for a target.
With the cantrip Poison Spray, you can check for petrified creatures without using spell slots or risking damaging the creature, since it would be immune to poison while petrified.
In an OSR game, you only fight when you have to, because victory is not a foregone conclusion.
You might also "roll up" your character instead of creating one. Which everyone should at some point, because it's a whole part of the game that's disappeared. If you hate trying to come up with a character concept, you might well love a game where the dice can give you some ideas.
Most modern OSR games will tell you that characters have no "plot armor" and are just as vulnerable as NPC's, just like they were in the old days. But read the rules, and the PC's actually do have some plot armor after all, just a bit less.