[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 5 points 6 months ago

By now companies must know that games based on an IP are almost always trash. Usually the IP-games that are supposedly great turn out to have have average gameplay and marketed hard with advertising spends larger than the development costs ( cough I'm looking at you Spider-Man).

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 2 points 7 months ago

Just looked at Sleek (which I hadn’t heard of before) and looks pretty good. Thanks. I’ve been using the Obsidian plugin which has been fine up until now.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 2 points 8 months ago

I do the same thing. I’ve tried Kavita and Audiobookshelf and ended up just keeping the books on a network share and then accessing them through Calibre. I am sideloading to a Kindle though.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 3 points 8 months ago

Absolutely. I held out until Starfield was released and when I played and realised Starfield had been massively overhyped, I let my Game Pass sub run out. Completely agree that buying a couple of great games is a much better idea. I’ve also been picking up older games I’d missed at CEX very cheaply and have enjoyed those much more than anything on Game Pass.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 4 points 9 months ago

Yes! I can’t express how dull I thought it was after all the hype and superlative reviews. So disappointing and so… boring. I won’t bother checking out these updates.

Pinry - HELP! (feddit.uk)

Can anyone help me with Pinry?

I've run Pinry in a Docker container on a Synology NAS for a couple of years and it's always worked great with no problem... up until I upgrades DSM to 7.2.

Pinry still works fine if I upload saved images. If I try to use the Firefox extension or paste in the url it does nothing. It must be a permissions issue that changed when I upgraded the DSM. I've tinkered with all sorts of setting to no avail and the logs say nothing. I've done the obvious searches online to see if I can find a solution.

Does anyone who hosts Pinry know what the problem is? (It's bound to be REALLY obvious). Thanks in advance.

Pinry - help! (feddit.uk)

Can anyone help me with Pinry?

I've run Pinry in a Docker container on a Synology NAS for a couple of years and it's always worked great with no problem... up until I upgrades DSM to 7.2.

Pinry still works fine if I upload saved images. If I try to use the Firefox extension or paste in the url it does nothing. It must be a permissions issue that changed when I upgraded the DSM. I've tinkered with all sorts of setting to no avail and the logs say nothing. I've done the obvious searches online to see if I can find a solution.

Does anyone who hosts Pinry know what the problem is? (It's bound to be REALLY obvious). Thanks in advance.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 1 points 1 year ago

Very interesting. I wonder to what extend fans’ ages alter the ratings?

In Doctor Who fandom, whenever the question “Who is your favourite Doctor?” pops up, the majority tend to say the current one. It also seems to be that this is responded to by younger fans/audiences. I wonder if it’s the same with Trek. Because of my age, I’ll ALWAYS prefer classic DW to recent stuff. There’s an element of nostalgia.

My first Trek was TOS and it’s what I think of AS Trek primarily. I wasn’t into TNG at all (because of my age and I’d moved away from stuff like this for a time). DS9 and, particularly, Voyager would rate mire highly as they were on when I was watching TV in the late 90s. I like SNW because it echoes TOS. While I’ll watch other Trek, it doesn’t have the same impact on me.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 2 points 1 year ago

Is anyone still playing this?

I had a PS3 when I played DCUO and even then it was beginning to lose players.

Saying that, I'd be interested to see what it was like a decade later.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 5 points 1 year ago

Is there any chance that Amazon could quietly remove this show and pretend it didn’t exist? I feel it was all some terrible dream.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 1 points 1 year ago


I'd be interested to know whether this will have an actual monetary gain for MS or whether it's a panic response to falling revenues.

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 2 points 1 year ago

Can someone point the direction of info about the differences between buying Starfield outright or just Game Pass. Is there a difference?

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 1 points 1 year ago

It just stores them to the folder you choose as a vault for your notes. I have seen people put their vaults on a USB stick which they encrypt for security.

No web version of Obsidian as far as I know. Have you tried SimpleNote?

[-] tenebrisnox@feddit.uk 4 points 1 year ago

Have you tried Remote Save plugin?

I use it to sync from a webdav on my NAS at home to work computer if I ever need it. It also syncs from services like OneDrive, Dropbox, S3 etc.

There are other versions of similar syncing.


Doubt being thrown at the accuracy of the KS2 tests. Again. Bearing in mind that these tests cost somewhere in the region of £45-50 million a year to administer (plus the time, staffing and resources primary schools put in) surely there are better, cheaper ways of monitoring pupil progress? Secondary schools frequently ignore data coming from primary and SATs results only seem to have a use in the equally questionable activity of predicting GCSE outcomes.

As a parent of a Year 6 child, I’ve been horrified at the pressure put on children and then - once the SATs were over - hardly any teaching going on (my son barely had a maths lesson after the tests and his time at school filled with “fun” activities like watching movies). I’d prefer my son’s education to be focused on his learning, not some high-stakes test. And I’d like it to carry on to the point he left school.

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