
joined 1 year ago

[–] 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The title isn't exact :

Moreover, their relations were only re-instaured after the western-supported coup by J.Añez :

(Here's Colombia's president 6 hours ago b.t.w., among other examples)

(no need to point out that it would be safer for them not to take position for//against any side. The article also spoke of Argentina, here's an interesting 2mn-long point of view)

Unless the creatures, overall, would prefer to have never existed in the first place, then the Creator isn't evil and should be praised(, that's only one reason, for example an other one would be our search for Absolute/Greatness/Good/..)

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

One post and zero comment from criitz.
Ideally a fusion of Reddit and Lemmy's content was what your bot is aiming to do, first thought it'd be illegal, but since we don't have human reposters i'm glad there's at least a bot instead.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don't entirely agree with my comment either, because there's multiple interpretation of Hell.
One of them is interesting, it says that if our consciousness survives after our death, our mind will finally think clearly, we'll remember our past better than if it happened today, and we'll be overwhelmed by shame, this hell would be created by ourselves.
Another one would talk about a real place, but not in the afterlife but right here, on Earth(, it combines perfectly with this talk of afterlife if you believe in reincarnation), and says that if we all live our lives 'searching for'/'aiming at' God, then our descendants/reincarnations will live in Paradise(, or in Hell if we don't).
There're other interpretations, as well as the thought that we're not free since we're determined, so God decided before our birth whether we would end up in Hell or in Paradise, a thought discussed in the Middle-Ages and rejected in favor of free-will(, i don't think Spinoza would disagree with the conclusion that God predestined us for Hell, if he believed in Hell).
Obviously, the most common explanation is that police(wo)men didn't existed back then, God-fearing people was the equivalent of virtuous people, even when nobody can see/stop them.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

They merely said that being separated from God means suffering, while following means walking towards the establishment of Kingdom/City unto Earth. They talked more about Hell as a state than as a physical place, but, well... who cares nowadays, right ? Parabola never taught us anything about the real world, the spirit doesn't exist, and morals are relative, they were simply naive ignorants who never had anything to teach us, embrace modernity and reject 100% of the past.

anyone who worships God is also good by default, and of course this logic follows that anyone that doesn't worship God is evil by default.

If that was the case they wouldn't put an emphasis on hypocrites.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Justice≠Revenge, otherwise Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and the rest, would be justified.
If every evil was stopped though it would be the end of 'our trip'/'any possible progress'.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've read some criticisms of E.Musk(, from the funder of Lemmy, who probably temporarily inherited this account while he was a mod for all i know), but back then it was to convince leftists that E.Musk wasn't an exception : all billionaires are thieves and enemies of the workers. The fact that they had to underline that E.Musk wasn't an exception may prove something, they/we would have preferred if all these achievements were the results of, e.g., a cooperative, perhaps one day in the future, perhaps in an other country if the west doesn't destroy it(Huawei).

It's when he bought Twitter at an unbelievable price because he was annoyed at censorship(, don't believe him if you want,) that the hate really suddenly started to spread, with stupid arguments that i've read and never understood(, he fired people ? Lots of them were useless and the workforce has been multiplied in recent years). Most of all he finally began to bring improvements in a stagnating Twitter.

I don't get why silent billionaires like the Walmart family are ignored while the attention is focused on the few who are using their wealth for beneficial ventures(, like Bill Gates or Elon Musk).
He probably did/enabled more than anyone else : Tesla(electric cars), SpaceX, Starlink, SolarCity/'Tesla Energy', the Boring Company(hyperloop), OpenAI and xAI, Neuralink, ..., so he's probably the last billionaire i would criticize, not the first.


« Concrètement, depuis cette application, les Français pourront pendant un mois répondre à des questions ouvertes ou à choix multiples sur un motif déterminé. Le gouvernement viendra ensuite interagir depuis cette application pour apporter des réponses.
Les trois premières seront consacrées aux transitions écologique et énergétique, ainsi qu'au renouveau démocratique. L'emploi , la santé, la sécurité ou l'école devraient suivre.
Le gouvernement demande, par exemple, aux utilisateurs quels gestes ils sont prêts à faire pour réduire leurs usages numériques.

La seconde fonctionnalité offre aux citoyens la possibilité de poser des questions au gouvernement. "C'est-à-dire que les Français peuvent poser des questions sur l'application" et "peuvent voter pour la ou les questions qui seront directement posées au ministre en charge, qui répondra dans l'application", a détaillé Olivier Véran sur France 2. "Chaque semaine, les ministres répondront à la question la plus populaire", peut-on lire sur l'application. »

Bonne chance à ce.lles.ux qui chercheront à critiquer cette initiative, elles/ils en auront besoin.


cited tweet

(official source for the 25.000)


Vu ici

Ils se font élire sur la promesse de réduire une dette, et bien que la droite soit presque toujours au pouvoir(source), notre dette ne fait qu'augmenter, amenant certain.e.s à penser que parler de réduire cette dette sans jamais agir n'est qu'une excuse bien commode afin de justifier la coupe des dépenses publiques, au nom d'une compétitivité visant à nous amener au niveau des dépenses publiques du Sud, nos compétiteurs(, pas coopérateurs/collaborateurs).
L'État aurait payé 53 milliards d'intérêts l'an dernier(, graphique), ce qui profite au même 1%, qui en voudra toujours plus.

Aussi, j'ai appris la semaine dernière que le salaire au ~Mali était de 90€/mois, j'imagine pas l'immigration en Suisse si leur s.m.i.c était à 15 ou 20.000€, commençons par une égalité internationale afin de réduire l'immigration.


D'ailleurs, rappel que c'est le même Bolloré qui a acheté Canal+, je n'avais pas pensé au possible lien auparavant.

ok. (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Vu ici
oui oui, rien de bien nouveau, mais c'est toujours sympa de mettre un graphique sur une idée(, le "centre", et d'ailleurs, je ne savais pas que c'était la classe moyenne qui vote extrême-droite, en tout cas au niveau communal)


If you agree that God gave us cancer, then you should normally agree as well that S.H..e gave us everything else.


A working group will lay out fuller plans over the next 60 days, including a timeline for building the infrastructure.

Allying with allies of oppressed countries may be a step towards directly allying with these countries.


Here's Reuters taking notice and writing that « the release sent Chinese social media users and state media into a frenzy » :


The African Union has currently suspended Gabon. They're condemning a military coup, but were about to condone( once again) a democratic one.

I simply wanted others here not to miss one of these seven countries, and can only hope that their situation will somehow improve after overthrowing incompetent selfish leaders.
One day(, soon would be great), they'll also have a veto at the u.n., medias&multinationals impacting the daily lives of non-african people, and everything else, the only question is when.
(The amount of concerns regarding the internal politics of a foreign country is relative to its power if we're honest.)
I don't know if countries of the global South can overlook their own national problems to help each other, but africans should(, because whatever is the status quo hasn't been working for them these past decades).


There's quite a few communities that i'm missing on Lemmy.
It could potentially lead to a trial, and/or "save" Lemmy, so it seemed worth asking, just in case.


Seems to my ignorant eyes that we could always somehow split the power received into more manageable units, even if it has to be splitted a million times, 🤷‍♂️.

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