She's amazing, Jeph outdid himself with her expressions!
Does this count as actual fascism yet?
Die FDP ist also unsozial und undemokratisch? Hmmm ...
Lots of these predictions were actually quite horrible. e.g. flying cars would be so much worse than regular cars in so many ways.
Merz beim Lesen des AfD-Wahlprogramms
Who wants to have personal effects in their grave anyway? When I'm dead, I want to become soil as quickly and cheaply as possible.
If I wrote comments like I chat in a grocery store queue I'd never write a single comment.
A scientist might think that the historical/scientific value is more important than the personal rights of people who died millenia ago.
The people who dug up graves in the early 20th century just didn't see the locals as people, though, which is also why most of those museums were in Europe, not anywhere near where the artifacts were found (if the artifacts were given to museums at all, instead of being sold to private collectors).
If you ask me personally: A pharaoh is a king, and fuck the king.
AFAIK cameras can be identified by the dust/grain patterns on their lenses. Probably no risk of random users doxxing you through that, but I don't feel comfortable opening myself up to mass surveillance like that.
"white" is an increbibly malleable category, anyway. At one point, the Irish (who are generally even lighter-skinned than the English due to higher percentage of gingers) were considered non-white. Nowadays, most people would consider Italians and Spaniards white, and there's quite a few hispanic people who both look white and consider themselves white (due to being descended from European immigrants). There's a similar dynamic in India, southern Indians are often darker than 'black' americans while many north Indians could pass as southern europeans.
It benefits rich people, since they have less contact with the 'unwashed masses' this way. On top of that, many invest in real estate.
People feel that their quality of life is going downhill and the propagandists presented an easy scapegoat to distract from the rich.