[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 7 points 2 weeks ago

HR isnt there to protect you lol

[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 7 points 2 weeks ago

yeah I've been in similar situations, but with the anti-ai hatred brewing I've seen people starting to want to get even more aggressive about it. It is incredibly scaring

[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 9 points 2 weeks ago

now think about all the people who do actually have 6 fingers nobody will take a pic of seriously


alt-text for thumbnail in case it embeds: it is an image of a queer flag with an infinity symbol, on a drawn wooden background with the words “autistic people mistaken for AI” on it

[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 7 points 1 month ago

it is clear when you look at ecosystems for example, if a single disease can wipe out all adult trees in a forest it kills all new sprouts and it stops being a forest. (Tree sprouts tend to not do well in direct sunlight because they expect the shade of trees above them and all that)

so if you only have one kind of trees you are on a timer

this is the same with how we interact, and why organizing in systems that can coexist with as many other systems as possible is a requirement for survival. This is one of the biggest reasons why I'm an anarchist, because the point of the state is to force everyone to exist within one set of rules and such


alt-text: [text saying "aspergers is ableist" next to the autistic pride flag on top of a digital art 2d wooden background]


alt-text for thumbnail: The words: ""biological" sex is the gender binary" on a 2d digital art wooden background next to the non-binary flag


alt-text for thumbnail: text saying "blocking fascists is self-care" next to an antifascist flag on a 2d digital art wooden background

[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 1 points 1 month ago

nothing "practically works" that is helpful to us under capitalism, the entire point of capitalism is that only things that hurt us work

[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 5 points 1 month ago

thank you, speaking is hard so I try not to waste a word lol


alt-text: [yellow words saying "abolish cis puberty" next to a trans flag on a digital art wooden background]


alt-text: the words "no ethical production under capitalism" with production underlined. It is next to the ancom flag, and is over a digital art wooden background.

[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 1 points 1 month ago

even if the servers are queer friendly, I haven't found one yet that doesn't allow things like ableist language. They only feel marginally better with the tradeoff of smaller games

[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

there are laws against rape, yet it is still used as a tool to maintain oppression and as oppression itself.

I'm done with this conversation

[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 3 points 1 month ago

if they have to make laws to make sure the children aren't abandoned, they are abandoned often

[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 3 points 1 month ago


some info I found it

a common thing is a lack of support structures or networks, often forced out of the nuclear family unit

[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 3 points 1 month ago

it was used in systematic oppression, yes, in many instances historically and many ways in different groups

[-] rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org 6 points 1 month ago

cops kill people for being depressed, isn't that just victim blaming?


ACAB is a common slogan, especially in anarchist spaces. Should we really be using it though? It is a reference to children born without their parents being married, and due to christian morality is seen as inherently negative. It is effectively a slur. Do we really think that trying to enforce the hierarchies we are trying to get away from on others is going to help us? How have we allowed this slogan to become so common?

As an anarchist I think we should be defending these people, not punishing them with the hope of some of that transferring to cops.


It is victim blaming, we are not the reason homophobia exists or that people become extremely homophobic. It is not oppressed people that cause their own oppression, we don’t in some way “deserve” it.

Some aspects of the identity of sexuality may be related to physical and things we cannot control, but at the end of the day it is an identity. If they do not see themselves as gay, they are not. It is not for you to assign an identity to someone, even someone you don’t like. Even if someone might identify as gay outside of these power structures, in here they aren’t. Even if they would be gay, they participate in our oppression because being straight is beneficial to them, not because they “are secretly gay”. If they did homophobia because they were “ashamed” it wouldn’t be helping so many of them get into positions of power


alt-text for thumbnail in case it embeds: it is an image of a queer flag with an infinity symbol, on a drawn wooden background with the words "autistic people mistaken for AI" on it


I am looking for people to play both games with. The games tend to be filled with lots of reactionaries so it can be hard to exist in them.

Like I get kicked a lot in tf2 for having a queer flag pfp, and it is hard to queue for group content in dark and darker if I don't want to hear slurs.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by rosethornRangerTTV@beehaw.org to c/neurodivergence@beehaw.org

I don't like being referred to as a "person with autism". I can't just set it down, it's not something I can remove. It is fundamental to the way I interact with the world, right down to how stim enters my brain. If my brain has types of inputs no allistic person can even approach, and methods of processing inherently different, it is an existence no allistic person can reach. There is no version of me that is not autistic.

A "cure" is the same as shooting me and replacing me with someone else.

The type of person I am is autistic. I am autistic.

I know it is a big trend in anarchist spaces to use person first language, but in many situations that just sounds like eugenics to me. Personhood is not some distinct universal experience. There is no “ideal human mind” floating out there in the aether for them to recognize in me.

I get that person first language helps some people recognize that thoughts happen behind my eyes, but if the only way they can do that is by imagining I’m them, I don’t care.


yo, one thing about actually abolishing oppression towards us trans people: it requires not putting any specific puberty above another. All puberties are permanent, not just trans ones.

We have the ability to sit every person down before puberty and talk them through what it entails, and then let them choose what exactly they want to go through. Making it an explicit choice places trans and cis people into the same situation.

Even with zero medical barriers to transition once someone realizes they are trans, the social barrier of what you are "expected" to be is an issue, for multiple reasons. People who want to make big changes are often questioned and forced to prove that what they want is what they “actually want”, because it deviates from what is expected. People who deviate in smaller ways are punished in their own ways, with those deviations being treated as mistakes or failures, because another major role can't be easily assumed. They are pushed to drop everything that is not perfectly aligned with the role to not be constantly torn apart. We have the technology to provide agency, not allowing its use is oppression. The only way to abolish the hierarchy around puberty is to abolish expectations around puberty.

If you think a child doesn’t have the ability to decide what puberty they want to go through, forcing them into a random one isn’t better. If they can’t say no, then they definitely can’t say yes. People will always know themselves better than others do.

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