Probably people who want to check AI accuracy or people who don't want to search or go to the doctor and ask it to ChatGPT, even if I ask a cure, I will use other AI such as the bing AI, but still I go to the doctor, I will never ask an AI or search on the internet cures to cancer, never self-medicated.
Userbenchmark modify results to benefit intel CPUs, the first generation of AMD Ryzen CPU was fine in userbenchmark, but in the 3 gen of ryzen CPUs they start modifying the results to benefit intel CPUs. It reviews must have been taken for fun and not serious, they say that the i7 12700 is faster than the 5800x3d, which in some scenarios is not true, also you can't take just one result, the games are different and can be the FPS different from each other, also the ryzen x3d reviews are just copy and paste.
That's remind me when you search uselessbenchmark in google, it shows nothing related to userbenchmark but some post, if you search uselessbenchmark in DuckDuckGo and Bing it will show you userbenchmark in the first results.
Some time ago, I like making my own servers in localhost, for testing plugins, configurations and more, but this is not good. Where is the freedom to make servers at your own? Well, making not p2w and not breaking obvious things, for this part:
Servers with ANY content not suitable for 10 year olds are now prohibited
It just problem of the parents. Also.
Any server, piece of online content such as video or other may be taken down due to any reason whatsoever
- This can be regulated with plugins for chat if it is post on the chat.
- It's a problem of the owners who make these decisions, they can make the server better or not.
Nvidia now cares more about AI than gamers, and people now know more about them because the AI chips they make, I have an Nvidia GPU, but I'm looking to get an AMD GPU (Also and intel ARC will also be fine because I upgrade my power supply), I dislike Nvidia a lot now.